The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by Church Street Medical Centre, in Eastwood, Nottingham, to be Outstanding following an inspection in May.
Inspectors found the practice was providing a safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led service that meets the needs of the population it serves.
Church Street Medical Centre provides primary medical services to approximately 8,355 patients in Eastwood, Nottingham.
A full report of the inspection has now been published.
Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all England’s GP practices are given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.
The report on Church Street Medical Centre, highlights a number of areas of outstanding practice, including:
- Patients were treated as active partners in their care. Staff overcame obstacles to deliver a high level of care for example; staff were proactive in identifying and supporting carers and had established a local network with monthly meetings to reduce isolation.
- This had developed into a carer’s community involving carers from outside the practice and led by the carers champion through meetings, development of a website and close working with the carer’s federation.
- The management team used innovative methods to audit the way the practice was run. This ensured the service was constantly improved and the effectiveness of the practice challenged to ensure this had a positive impact. Feedback and changes were reviewed by the staff as group to ensure full involvement.
- This had led to greater ownership of the practice amongst staff who told us they felt very much involved in the development of the practice and empowered to suggest and drive change as a team.
Janet Williamson, Deputy Chief Inspector of General Practice and Dentistry in CQC’s Central region said:
“It is clear Church Street Medical Centre, is providing an exemplary service which is a real asset to the people living in this part of Nottinghamshire.
“The staff considered patients, not just in terms of medical conditions but in their social and family life as well, often offering support to entire families to ensure the impact of a patient’s condition was alleviated. Patients told us they considered the staff part of their family and told us they delivered care that exceeded their expectations.
“Carers were well supported and events organised to ensure there was a forum to reduce isolation in their role.
“As part of our inspection we also asked for CQC comment cards to be completed by patients prior to our inspection. We received 46 comment cards which were all positive about the standard of care received. Patients described staff as devoted and said they found them supportive and caring.
“All of this hard work pays off in making a real difference to patients – which is why we have found this practice to be Outstanding.”
For further information, please contact Regional Engagement Officer, Helen Gildersleeve, on 0191 233 3379.
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Patients told us they considered the staff part of their family and told us they delivered care that exceeded their expectations.
Janet Williamson, Deputy Chief Inspector of General Practice and Dentistry, Central region