A care home in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, has been rated outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
CQC inspected Esmer House in September. The service, run by Voyage Care, provides personal care and accommodation for up to six people with Prader-Willi syndrome, learning disabilities or autistic people.
The inspection found that people using the service benefitted from outstanding care that had changed their lives for the better, enabling them to live fulfilling and happy lives.
Following the inspection, Esmer House was rated outstanding overall and outstanding for being responsive and well-led. It was rated good for being safe, caring and effective.
Natalie Reed, CQC head of inspection for adult social care in the central region, said:
“Our inspectors were extremely impressed by the level of support Esmer House offered the vulnerable people in its care.
“From the moment people joined the service, there was great commitment to ensure they led fulfilling, happy and healthy lives. Effective and strong leaders ensured people received an extremely personalised service that considered their hobbies, preferences and goals.
“One of the characteristics of Prader-Willi syndrome is weight gain and it was impressive to see that there had been a reduction in weight for all people living in the home due to staff supporting them to follow a healthy diet. This weight loss meant people had increased mobility, relied less on medicines and had an improved quality of life.
“Throughout our inspection, staff demonstrated a non-judgemental, kind and extremely supportive approach towards people. Relatives told us that the level of care was excellent, and staff would always go the extra mile.
“Where people had individual goals, staff worked with people to fulfil these. For example, one person wanted to go on holiday, so staff supported them to research the destination and book the activities they wanted.
“All of this meant that the service was providing the best care for people and the whole team at Esmer House deserves to be congratulated.”
CQC inspectors found:
- Staff were exceptionally skilled and pro-active in identifying innovative ways to help and support people achieve their goals
- The provider ensured that all staff had a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The management team strived to develop their leadership skills and upskill all staff within the organisation
- People were supported to take an active role in the local community. The registered manager described one person's wish to buy Christmas presents for the local women's shelter
- People's care plans were consistently and comprehensively reviewed with health and social care professionals involved when necessary
- The provider understood and acted on its duty of candour in an open and honest way
- The registered manager had a thorough understanding of the regulatory requirements of their role by ensuring relevant agencies were notified immediately of any incidents that could affect people's safety and well-being.
Full details of the inspection are given in the report published on our website.
For enquiries about this press release please email regional.engagement@cqc.org.uk.
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