A care home in Beeston, Nottingham, has been rated Outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
CQC inspected Landermeads Care Home in December 2019. Landermeads Nursing Home is registered to provide accommodation for people who require nursing or personal care.
The home can support up to 86 people across five interconnected houses, each of which has separate adapted facilities. The home specialises in providing care to people living with different stages of dementia, and people are matched to a house depending on the level of their dementia.
The inspection found that people using the service benefitted from safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led care. Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all adult social care services are given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.
Landermeads Care Home has been given an overall rating of Outstanding and is rated as Outstanding for whether its service is safe, responsive, effective, caring and well-led.
Deanna Westwood, CQC Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care in the central region, said:
“Our inspection team was extremely impressed by the level of support offered to people using this service. The service should be very proud of achieving an Outstanding rating across every area.
“The service was exceptionally well-led. The registered manager demonstrated how their links with external professionals and community organisations had sustained continual development and improvement for people living at the service.
“People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
“Each house within the home had exceptionally careful and thoughtful design and decoration to suit the people living there with learning disabilities and people on their journey through dementia. Each house had different lounge areas for people to sit, with dining rooms and kitchenettes.
People were involved in the decoration of the property and the garden space. The house and garden had themed areas that had been designed either to stimulate or entertain people. Other areas were designed to either remind people of hobbies or holidays or occupations.
“For example, there was a caravan one person had requested in the garden to remind them of their holidays. Another area of the service was developing a children's play area for people's grandchildren and the local nursery school to enjoy. People told us they loved watching the children playing.
“This is why we have rated Landermeads Care Home as Outstanding.”
Our inspection team was extremely impressed by the level of support offered to people using this service. The service should be very proud of achieving an Outstanding rating across every area.
Deanna Westwood, Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care in the central region