Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust maintains its Outstanding rating following Care Quality Commission inspection

Published: 19 December 2019 Page last updated: 19 December 2019

A Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report on Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is due to be published today (Tuesday, 17 December).

CQC carried out an inspection at the trust in September and October 2019 and, as a result, the trust has maintained its overall rating of Outstanding.

It is also rated as Good for whether its services are safe, effective and responsive and Outstanding for whether its services are caring and well-led.

The report from this inspection will be published on our website and be available here:

Deputy Chief Inspector for Hospitals (lead for mental health), Kevin Cleary, said:

“We were pleased to find that on our return to Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust the trust had maintained the high standard of care being delivered.

“We found that the trust had a strong focus on patient and staff safety and it had made improvements to its learning from investigations into serious incidents; and it engaged and supported families and relatives through the process.

“There was a strong culture of openness, honesty and learning and there was evidence of sharing practice with others, and an ethos for embracing constant opportunity for learning and improving.

“We heard how the trust had continued to prioritise its values in every interaction every day, and the culture of staff in the trust was one of kindness, teamwork and pride to work for the organisation.

“The trust board and all its staff are to be congratulated for their hard work in achieving and maintaining such high standards across its services.”

When the trust was previously inspected, in June 2018, it was also rated as Outstanding overall. The ratings for the key questions CQC asks – is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led – remained the same.


For further information, please contact Louise Grifferty, Regional Engagement Manager, on 07717 422917.

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About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.