The CQC has found the quality of care provided by Chinese Wellbeing / Merseyside Chinese Community Development, Liverpool to be outstanding following an inspection in November 2016.
Chinese Wellbeing provides care to people in their own homes, and there were 27 people using this service at the time of our inspection. The people using this service were all from a Chinese culture, speaking Chinese/Cantonese as their first language at the time of our inspection. Chinese wellbeing had a complement of 24 staff who spoke Chinese as their first language.
The service was rated Outstanding for being caring and responsive, and Good for being safe, effective and well-led.
A full report of the inspection has been published on our website
Debbie Westhead, CQC's Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North, said:
“We found the quality of care provided by Chinese Wellbeing to be outstanding.
“The most striking aspect of this dynamic service was the strong sense of leadership, commitment and drive to deliver a service which improves people’s lives."
“The ethos was all about delivering a service by the Chinese cultural code, the "five hearts" which were attentiveness, care, love, endurance and patience."
“We saw that people were being cared for above and beyond task based activities like washing and dressing. People were referred to healthcare providers if needed, and also encouraged to take part in events organised by the service like the dementia service’s tea house reminiscence."
“The whole team should be very proud of the service they are providing.”
The report highlights a number of impressive areas:
- Within the domiciliary care service being offered, people had access to advocacy services, a luncheon club, a personal wellbeing service, a transitional service, mental health and wellbeing service and dementia services such as 'The Tea House Reminiscence'.
- The most striking aspect of this dynamic service was the strong sense of leadership, commitment and drive to deliver a service which improves the lives of people in a fulfilling and creative way. There was effective leadership at differing levels within the service from the top down.
- There was a strong caring culture with clear leadership in exploring new innovative ways of providing care in a person centred way.
- People were listened to and their voice was heard in a variety of creative ways such as by people taking part in surveys, reviews, taking part in short films and publications such as the service's own newsletter. Staff supported people to make decisions for themselves and spoke with people about their wishes and preferences whilst delivering care.
For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Officer Kerri James by email or by phone on 07464 92 9966.
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The most striking aspect of this dynamic service was the strong sense of leadership, commitment and drive to deliver a service which improves people’s lives
Debbie Westhead, CQC's Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North