The Care Quality Commission has rated the care being provided by Marie Curie Nursing and Domiciliary Care Service, North East Region, to be Outstanding after an inspection in October 2019.
Marie Curie Nursing and Domiciliary Care Service, North East Region is registered to provide personal and nursing care to people living in their own homes, who require palliative and end of life care services. At the time of the inspection the service was supporting more than 200 people.
It was rated Good for being safe, effective and caring, and Outstanding for being responsive and well-led. It was rated Outstanding overall.
A full report of the inspection has been published on the CQC website:
Ros Sanderson, Head of Adult Social Care Inspection, said:
“We received exceptionally positive feedback about this service and during our inspection we found the care being provided not only supported the people requiring care, but their families too. People and their relatives felt empowered to be a part of their care and were supported to make decisions.
“The provider developed a rapid response service which meant it could act quickly to unforeseen events and support people’s choice in where their care was delivered. Healthcare professionals described it as ‘invaluable’.
“The leadership and management of the service were experienced and knowledgeable. There was a strategy to ensure person-centred care was valued and recognised, staff were encouraged to support the development of improvements to the service to better it further. Congratulations on achieving an Outstanding rating, well done.
For further information please contact Mark Humphreys, Regional Engagement Officer 07384902623 / 01912011675
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