The Chief Inspector of Hospitals has found that Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has made improvements since its last major inspection by the Care Quality Commission in May 2016. The trust is now rated as Good.
Following an inspection in May 2016 the trust has now been rated as Good overall, although safety remains rated Requires Improvement. Caring, effectiveness, responsiveness and well-led were rated as Good. Leeds General Infirmary and St James’s University Hospital were both rated as Requires Improvement, Chapel Allerton Hospital as Good and Wharfedale Hospital as Good. The trust had previously been rated Requires Improvement, after its inspection in March 2014.
CQC carried out a follow up inspection of the trust from 10 to 13 May 2016 in response to the previous inspection as part of its comprehensive inspection. The Commission also undertook an unannounced inspection on 23 May 2016 to follow up on concerns identified during the announced visit.
This report is available to view on the CQC website.
The Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Professor Sir Mike Richards, said:
“This latest reports shows an improvement from the last inspection in 2014. The trust has improved their rating from Requires Improvement to Good. Since the last inspection there was a much improved mandatory training programme, the trust had invested time, effort and finances into developing a culture that was open, transparent and supported the involvement of staff, the leadership team had remained stable. In addition, inspectors witnessed strong leadership of services and wards from clinicians and ward managers. Staff spoke positively about the culture within the organisation.
“Inspectors noted a number of areas where staffing levels might compromise safety. For example, there were occasions when nurse and care support worker staffing levels were below the planned number. Nursing, midwifery and medical staffing levels did not meet national guidelines in some areas, particularly surgery, theatres, critical care, maternity and children and young peoples’ services. The trust need to address these issues.
The trust must ensure that staff maintain patient confidentiality at all times, including making sure that patient identifiable information is not left unattended. In addition, the trust should also ensure that infection prevention and control protocols are adhered to in theatres. However, I’m satisfied that these and the other issues identified in the report can be rectified.
“Overall, this report represents good progress. Inspectors could see that the trust responded to complaints and concerns in a timely manner. Improvements had been made to the quality of care as a result of complaints and concerns and with strong leadership being displayed it was evident that the culture within the organisation was improving. The trust is to be congratulated, but I would like to see further progress in those areas we have identified."
The key findings included the following:
Inspectors noted outstanding examples of record keeping in the care of the dying person care plan. They saw that staff recorded sensitive issues in a clear comprehensive way to enable safe care to be given.
CQC saw good use of multi-media including the development of Leeds Children’s Hospital TV which allowed families to explore the wards and meet the teams that would be treating them.
The trust have a very good reputation for organ transplantation which included a live liver donation and transplant programme, which was the largest in the UK and in respect of developing new procedures a revolutionary hand transplant surgery had taken place within plastic surgery.
A number of areas, particularly surrounding staff training, will need to be addressed. The trust must ensure all staff have completed mandatory training and role specific training and ensure staff have undertaken safeguarding training at the appropriate levels for their role.
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