Dr Christopher John George Wright’s practice in Norwood Road, Lambeth has been rated Inadequate overall by the Care Quality Commission.
The practice was rated Inadequate for being safe; effective and well-led. It was rated Requires Improvement for being responsive and Good for being caring following an inspection in February 2019.
Also known as The Deerbrook Surgery, the practice did not have appropriate systems in place for the safe management of medicines.
Staff had not all completed safeguarding, fire and infection control training.
Safeguarding arrangements and the mechanisms for reporting significant events were not clear.
Governance was lacking in key areas including safeguarding, significant event management, policy oversight and the management of medicines which meant that key areas of risk had not been adequately assessed or addressed.
There was a lack of effective oversight of staff training and recruitment information.
The practice did not always undertake effective joint working with other organisations.
The provider must now make improvements in the following areas:
- Ensure that care and treatment is provided in a safe way.
- Establish effective systems and processes to ensure good governance in accordance with the fundamental standards of care.
Areas where the practice should now improve include:
- Continue with work to improve the quality of care provided to people with long term conditions, people experiencing poor mental health and families’ children and young people.
- Introduce care planning for patients with complex medical conditions so that information is shared effectively with other services.
- Act in response to patient feedback related to access.
Head of Inspection for Primary Medical Services in London, Antony Hall, said: “We are placing Dr Christopher John George Wright’s practice in special measures. Services placed in special measures will be inspected again within six months.
“The service will be kept under review and if needed could be escalated to urgent enforcement action.”
You can read the inspection report in full when it is published on CQC’s website by clicking on www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-506336798
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