20 October 2010
Kay Sheldon has been re-appointed to the board of the Care Quality Commission.
Kay has been a CQC Commissioner since the launch of the organisation in 2009. She is the CQC’s service user engagement and involvement champion, equality and rights champion and outcomes champion. As well as co-chairing E-Quality, a group of people who use services set up to help oversee the CQC’s equality and human rights work, she sits on the Remuneration Committee and on the Mental Health Improvement Board.
Commenting on her re-appointment, Kay said: “An important part of my role on the Board is championing the interests and involvement of people who use services and I am pleased to be able to continue to do this as the CQC works to make sure that better care is provided for everyone”.
Previously, Kay was a Mental Health Act Commissioner for 11 years and a member of the Mental Health Act Commission Board for five years. She brings personal experience as a user of mental health services to the CQC and she has been involved with a variety of user-led initiatives in both the statutory and voluntary sectors. .
For further information please contact the CQC press office on 0207 448 9239 or out of hours on 07917 232143.
Note to editors
- This appointment has been made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments Code of Practice.
- All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity (if any declared) to be made public. In this case Kay Sheldon has declared no political activity or ministerial appointments
- Kay Sheldon is re-appointed to serve from 1 December 2010 to 30 November 2013
- Her remuneration for the role of board director is £7,752 per annum, plus travel and subsistence expenses.
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