Guisborough care agency rated Outstanding by Care Quality Commission

Published: 25 October 2017 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found the quality of care provided by BJP Home Support Limited, to be Outstanding following an inspection in June and July 2017.

BJP Home Support provides care and support to older people, people with mental health conditions, people with a learning disability, physical disability or those people who are at end of life

The service was rated Good for being safe, effective and well-led and Outstanding for being caring and responsive.

Some of the features of the inspection included:

The manager displayed good leadership qualities; drive and enthusiasm that helped empower staff to provide care that was tailored to people's individual needs. Without exception people, their relatives and professionals told CQC that they experienced and we observed compassionate care.

Inspectors could see that people were kept safe. Risks to people were assessed and plans put in place to reduce the chances of them occurring. Policies and procedures were in place to safeguard people from abuse and people's medicines were managed safely.

A full report can be found on our website.

Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said:

“This service was exceptionally caring. People who used the service and their relatives consistently praised the excellent care provided saying care staff went the extra mile. People were supported to maintain their independence and received support from a consistent team of care staff."

“People received personalised care and support which was appropriate to their needs, preferences and aspirations. The service was very flexible and staff adapted the support they provided to constantly meet people`s changing needs."

“Care and support was planned with people and their families. It was encouraging to see that reviews took place on a regular basis and people we spoke to told us they, and their families, were involved in reviews and changes to their care plans. Care plans were personalised."

“Feedback from people and their families was outstanding evidenced by the many compliments and letters we saw and it for these reasons and many more that we have rated the service as Outstanding.”


For further information, please contact David Fryer, Regional Communications Manager - North, on 07754 438750.

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This service was exceptionally caring

Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care

About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.