A domiciliary care service based in Enfield, north London, has been rated Outstanding overall by the Care Quality Commission.
Edenvale Care Limited was rated Outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led. It was rated Good for being safe and effective, following the inspection in December 2018.
Edenvale Care Limited provides care and support to approximately 47 people in their own homes and in of supported living projects.
People and their relatives were very positive about the care they received. One person told us, “They support me to also live a holistic life. This should be recognised so much and promoted to enable other disabled people to achieve their dreams.” One relative said: "On the whole Edenvale are magnificent in all areas of care." One health and social care professional said: "Yes, the service is very person-centred. They will always go the extra mile for those people they work with."
Care plans contained detailed information about people's interests, family life and life history. Care records also contained people's religious and cultural needs. This helped give staff the information they needed to build rapport with people, to establish positive relationships with them.
The provider worked with the local authority developing workbooks for people with learning disabilities who were receiving end of life care. The workbooks were in easy read and pictorial versions. The service also went above and beyond supporting relatives of people receiving end of life care. For example, the service had asked for additional funding from the clinical commissioning group to support a family who’s relative was receiving end of life care. With the extra funding the service took this family out and provided social activities and emotional support to help them through the process of their relative dying. A health and social professional commented about this experience, “The fact that [person] was able to remain in her home, supported by staff who knew her, as her needs evolved and changed is a reflection of the dedication of Edenvale and the staff team. [Person] was cared for in the true sense of the world.”
People who used the service and relatives attended the provider’s recruitment days and also had a pre-introduction interview with potential care staff. People who used the service also contributed to the specific job adverts. They said they were pro-active in involving the people who used the service, and relatives in throughout the process. This meant that support workers' personal characteristics, interests and skills were taken into account through the recruitment process with an increased likelihood of people enjoying their time together in positive, respectful and sustainable relationships.
The values for the organisation were shared in the staff handbook - and the guide for
people who used the service. The staff handbook stated: "We believe in each person's right and entitlement to have greater choice and control over all aspects of their life, where they live, how they live and to lead as full, purposeful and independent a life as possible, being part of the community." One staff member said, “You feel supported and valued. It’s like a family.” Another staff member told us, “They are focused on people and get the best life for them.”
The registered manager said: "I have a passion for care because I believe
care is about compassion. It's about challenging and changing attitudes. I believe in human rights. Staff can approach me. I want staff to speak their mind and have an opinion and say what can improve. It makes me happy when people do fantastic things. I don't tolerate poor care."
The service had changed people’s lives and helped to fulfil their hopes and dreams. For example, the service had matched a person with a staff member who had an interest in horse riding. The person had a real passion for horse riding. With the support of the service the person attended horse trials over the United Kingdom and now has won silver and gold medals at the Paralympics. We saw other examples of people being supported to share their life story with the local community and interview celebrities, supported to work in the community and travelling overseas.
Debbie Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector, Adult Social Care, said: “What a truly fantastic service, with three Outstanding ratings for being caring, responsive and well-led.
“Edenvale Care Limited can be proud of the care it provides for its clients. It is diverse and inclusive, ensuring people receive the best care possible.”
You can read the latest inspection report in full when it is published on CQC’s website at www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-306641521
For media enquiries, contact Ray Cooling, Regional Engagement Manager (London), on 020 7448 9136 or call the press office on 020 7448 9401 during office hours. Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here www.cqc.org.uk/media/our-media-office. (Please note: the duty press officer is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters).
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