An Islington GP practice has been rated Inadequate overall by the Care Quality Commission.
Dr Tahir Haffiz’s practice in Bingfield Street was rated Inadequate for being, well-led and effective, Requires Improvement for being safe and responsive and Good for being caring.
CQC carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Dr Tahir Haffiz’s surgery on 30 May 2018 to follow up on breaches of regulations identified in a previous inspection in October 2017. There were breaches in infection control, emergency processes, quality improvement and safety systems.
A focused inspection was carried out on 26 February 2018, at this inspection CQC did not rate the practice, the inspection took place to ensure the practice was complying with the breaches in regulations as identified by the warning notices issued after the previous inspection.
At this most recent inspection CQC found that processes to keep patients safe and free from abuse were not effective. There was no comprehensive management oversight of clinical training and training updates.
There were flaws in recruitment processes; references and evidence of membership with a professional body were not always obtained.
The areas where the practice must improve are:
- Ensuring care and treatment is provided in a safe way to patients.
- Establishing effective systems and processes to ensure good governance in accordance with the fundamental standards of care.
The areas where the provider should make improvements include:
- Considering ways to improve confidentiality at the reception desk.
- Reviewing the practices recruitment processes to ensure legal requirements are being met.
Professor Ursula Gallagher, CQC Deputy Chief Inspector of GP Practices, said:
“It is a matter of some concern that the care patients are receiving at Dr Tahir Haffiz’s practice still falls well below the standard required.
“The service will be kept under review and if needed could be escalated to urgent enforcement action.”
Read the full inspection report
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It is a matter of some concern that the care patients are receiving at Dr Tahir Haffiz’s practice still falls well below the standard required.
Professor Ursula Gallagher, CQC Deputy Chief Inspector of GP Practices