Dr Jamil Khan’s Coulsdon Medical Practice has been rated Inadequate overall by the Care Quality Commission.
The practice, which looks after around 3,700 patients in the London borough of Croydon, was rated Inadequate for being safe, effective and well-led. It was rated Good for being caring and responsive, following a comprehensive inspection in February 2018.
There have been a number of inspections at this practice over the past two years. During an inspection carried out on 16 June 2016 the practice was rated overall as Inadequate and was placed in special measures.
Following a period of special measures CQC undertook an announced inspection on 7 June 2017 to follow-up on breaches of regulations. There were improvements and the practice was then rated overall as Requires Improvement.
At this most recent 2018 inspection, inspectors found that governance arrangements had deteriorated and did not ensure safe care for patients as there was a lack of oversight. CQC found that some of the previous improvements had not been sustained.
The practice did not have a clear system in place to monitor patients on high risk medicines, monitoring of refrigerator temperatures on a daily basis and uncollected prescriptions. It did not have a system in place to follow-up patients who do not attend their appointments to review non-urgent test results.
However, the practice ensured that care and treatment was delivered according to evidence- based guidelines. Staff involved and treated patients with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
Patients had access to a walk-in service Monday to Friday where they could attend the surgery without an appointment; the patients CQC spoke to and the CQC comment cards received indicated that they found this system very helpful and reported that they were able to access care when they needed it.
Acting Deputy Chief Inspector of General Practice, Michele Golden said:
“It is very disappointing when a practice that has shown signs of improvement, as this one did, begins to slip again. This practice is once again in special measures and we must consider what we need to do to ensure patients at Coulsdon Medical Practice get the high quality care to which they are entitled.”
You can read the report in full on our website.
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