The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by Cream Residential Care in Bishops Hull, Taunton to be Outstanding following an inspection in September 2016.
Inspectors rated Cream Residential Care, Outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led and Good for being safe.
Cream Residential Care accommodates seventeen people. The home specialises in providing care and support to adults who have a learning disability, autism and/or a physical disability. It has a range of aids and adaptations in place to assist people who have mobility difficulties and is located in extensive grounds with two of the provider's other homes. There is also an on-site sensory room and hydro pool.
See the full inspection report.
Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said:
“Cream Residential Care is providing very person centred ethos in the home which allows staff to respond to people on an individual basis and in accordance with people's wishes
“We were delighted to see how important communication was between carers and the people they cared for. The communications passport could be something which allows people who are extremely vulnerable to become more independent and enhance their quality of life.
“I find it encouraging to see people living in an environment where there was a strong commitment to enable them to live fulfilling lives. Particularly encouraging people living in the service to follow their interests and be involved in community projects and although this sometimes met with many obstacles, staff continued to find ways to make projects possible as they knew how much it would mean to the individuals.
“The service continuously worked to support people’s hobbies and interests to make sure people lived full and meaningful lives. The team should be extremely proud of the work they do. I congratulate the staff at Cream Residential Care for achieving our highest rating.”
Inspectors found the home was introducing various methods to assist people who were unable to communicate verbally. There was a member of staff who was in the process of completing a communication passport for a person who lived at the home. They told inspectors the plan was to complete one for every person at the home. The purpose of the communication passport was to provide staff with clear information about people which would help them to understand what was important to the person, how they communicated and how to understand what a person maybe feeling. For example when a person was happy, sad or in pain and how they expressed this such as with facial expressions or vocalisation. On the first day of the inspection one person made a sound which staff recognised as the person becoming very anxious. Staff responded very quickly and the person followed staff to a quieter area in the home where staff remained with them until they became settled.
People received very good healthcare. There were champions within the service who actively supported and trained staff to deliver a high standard of care which meant people experienced a sense of well-being and could live their lives to the full. There was a culture of positive risk taking and of empowering and involving people whatever their disability. One example was the person centred approach to the management and administration of people's medicines. Another example was the innovative systems in place to help people to communicate and enable staff to have a greater understanding of what a person may be thinking or feeling.
For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Manager John Scott on 07789875809 or, for media enquiries, call the press office on 020 7448 9401 during office hours.
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Please note: the press office is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters. For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61 61.
I find it encouraging to see people living in an environment where there was a strong commitment to enable them to live fulfilling lives
Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care