The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is taking action to protect the safety and welfare of people receiving care from Aamina Homecare Limited in Immingham, Lincolnshire.
In a report published today, CQC inspectors identify the findings from an unannounced inspection of the home care agency which took place in April 2014. The inspection was carried out as part of CQC’s scheduled inspection programme for 2014/15.
Visiting inspectors reviewed a sample of care and treatment records and spoke with people using the service, their relatives, and members of staff. As a result they found that the agency was failing to meet nine of the 11 national standards which were assessed.
Staff showed a genuine care for the people they were supporting and several people using the service spoke positively about the service they received. However inspectors identified a number of concerns. For example:
People using the service did not always receive care or support that was appropriate to their needs. Care plans did not always assess needs, and where they did they were not always followed.
Inspectors found evidence of occasions when safeguarding concerns had been raised but staff had failed to follow the correct policies and procedures to alert the relevant agencies.
Medication administration records contained gaps and discrepancies in recording so it was not always clear whether people were receiving their medicines as prescribed
A number of people using the service told inspectors that care staff visits were frequently delayed and on some occasions missed entirely.
A review of staff training records showed that 62 out of 75 members of staff had not undertaken appropriate training in the safe administration of medication. In addition, 11 staff members had not received formal training of any kind other than their induction.
The agency was failing to effectively monitor the quality of service being provided or to identify and manage risks to those receiving care.
Personal care records for people using the service contained inaccuracies and were not always up-to-date.
As a result of the inspection, CQC has issued four formal warnings to the agency requiring improvements in relation to care and welfare of people who use services, safeguarding of people who use services from abuse, supporting workers, and assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision.
The agency must also take action to address shortfalls against the additional five standards that are not being met.
Debbie Westhead, CQC’s Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North said:
“The failings at Aamina Homecare Limited are just not acceptable. We have told the provider very clearly where improvements must be made.
“We will inspect again in the near future and if we find the agency is not making progress we will consider the need for further regulatory action.
“In the meantime, we continue to monitor the agency very closely, liaising with local commissioners to ensure that people using the service receive the standards or care they are entitled to expect.”
Any regulatory decision that CQC takes is open to challenge by a registered person through a variety of internal and external appeal processes.
For further information please contact CQC Regional Communications Officer, Kirstin Hannaford on 0191 233 3629 or 07825947160. The CQC press office can be contacted on 0207 448 9401 or out of hours on 07917 232 143.
Find out more
Read reports from our checks on the standards at Aamina Homecare Ltd.