The CQC has found the quality of care provided by North STSS (Short Term Support Service) Alnwick, a Northumberland County Council re-ablement service in Alnwick, Northumberland to be Outstanding following an inspection in February and March this year.
North STSS Alnwick supports people in returning to being independent, following a recent illness or injury. They also act as a ‘bridging service’ supporting people until a long term provider is assigned. At the time of the inspection the service was supporting 31 people in the community.
North STSS (Short Term Support Service) Alnwick is rated as Outstanding overall and for being responsive and well-led, and Good for safe, effective and caring.
A full report of the inspection has been published on our website.
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North, said:
“The care being provided by North STSS Alnwick is outstanding.
“We heard, and found, many examples of how the service has gone above and beyond to provide person-centred care, with healthcare professionals and care staff alike commenting how flexible the service is in order to fully support people. We saw how the service had reviewed previous cases to identify areas of improvement and learn from them, alongside actively engaging with the people they supported to fully understand their needs and find out how they can continue to develop the service.
“Staff were well supported with an approachable management team, who looked to make the service work for both the people they supported and the staff that delivered the care. The service had excellent communication links with healthcare professionals, collaborating with them to improve people’s outcomes
“This is a great example of how a service has focused on continuous improvement, using technology, an effective care integration model and hard work, to benefit the lives of the people it cares for. A fantastic achievement, well done.”
Some of the findings from the inspection included:
- The service was previously rated Good overall in January 2016.
- People felt valued by the service and were actively encouraged to provide feedback to enable the service to improve.
- The service was proficient in using and learning from best practice.
For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Officer Mark Humphreys on 0191 201 1675.
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The care being provided by North STSS Alnwick is outstanding
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North