The Care Quality Commission has rated Kent and Medway Domiciliary Care Agency in Highpoint Business Park, Henwood, Ashford as Outstanding following an inspection in December 2019
Inspectors rated the service Outstanding for being caring and responsive to people’s needs and Good for being safe, effective and well-led. The overall rating was Outstanding.
Kent and Medway Domiciliary Care Agency is a domiciliary care agency providing supported living to people who wanted to live independently in the community. Some people receiving support were living with a learning disability or autism.
James Frewin, Head of Adult Social Care Inspection, said:
“Kent and Medway Domiciliary Care Agency is supporting people to live their lives to the fullest.
“The culture of the service was one of empowerment and independence. This was demonstrated in all that the staff did and their interactions with people within the service. I would like to congratulate the service on attaining an overall rating of Outstanding.”
Some of the key findings from the inspection include:
People were supported to learn new skills through accessing education and gain and remain in employment. Staff understood how important it was for people maintain independence and self-esteem and worked to support this
There was a strong focus on supporting people to build relationships with others. This had an overwhelmingly positive impact on people's lives. For example, staff had supported a group of people to organise social events for themselves. People took the lead organising and running the events. The confidence they gained encouraged them to plan an events calendar for the next year.
The full inspection report can be found at:
For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Manager John Scott on 07789875809 or, for media enquiries, call the press office on 020 7448 9401 during office hours.
Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here (Please note: the duty press officer is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters).
For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61 61.