CQC publishes report on Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

Published: 14 July 2021 Page last updated: 23 July 2021

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published a report following an inspection at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Inspectors visited the trust in April and May to look at the Assessment and Treatment Service (ATS), also known as Firshill Rise, which has seven beds and provides assessment and support to people with a learning disability or autistic people who are experiencing mental health needs and difficulties with behaviour. This unannounced focused inspection took place following safeguarding concerns received from trust staff and other health and social care providers.

The ATS was last inspected in October 2018 and was rated good overall. However, CQC did issue requirement notices in relation to staff induction, training in managing aggression and violence and also, the review of incidents and sharing of lessons learnt. This inspection found that the service had not addressed all of these issues from the last inspection.

As a result of this inspection, CQC has now imposed conditions upon the trust which include preventing the trust from admitting people to the service without written agreement from CQC.

The trust’s overall rating didn’t change as a result of this inspection and remains as rated inadequate. The ATS which had previously been rated as good is now inadequate overall. It is rated inadequate in all five areas, for being caring, effective, responsive, safe and well-led.

Debbie Ivanova, CQC’s deputy chief inspector for people with a learning disability and autistic people, said:

“When we inspected the Assessment and Treatment Service (ATS) at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, we were disappointed to find that a number of concerns raised at the previous inspection in October 2018 had not been addressed and the overall rating for the service has now dropped from good to inadequate.

“People were not being looked after in a way that was safe, effective, or caring. We saw staff ignoring a person for basic needs like food and drink, and staff were seen talking amongst themselves rather than engaging with people using this service.

“Some people had been living in the service for a long time which can lead to people becoming institutionalised. We met one person who had not been able to leave the service since January 2021 as they required rescue medication to prevent epilepsy seizures, but staff had not been trained in how to administer it.

“Before the inspection we were made aware of historical safeguarding incidents involving evidence of harm being caused to people. External organisations were investigating these along with the trust, but this investigation was significantly delayed as staff had not reported or escalated the incidents which caused harm.

“Despite these issues being historical, staff still did not understand how to protect people from abuse and the service did not work well with other organisations to do so, which meant people remained at risk of abuse and avoidable harm at the time of inspection.

“Staff and people using this service are being let down by senior leadership not addressing issues which are known problems.

“Due to our concerns, we have imposed conditions on the trust’s registration for this service, which prevent the trust from admitting people to the service without written agreement from CQC, and require the trust to submit regular updates detailing the improvements they have made.

“We are monitoring the service closely and will take further action to protect people if we are not assured that rapid improvements in the safety of care are being made.”

Inspectors found:

  • The service was not safe as staff did not have the training and skills to care for people and respond to their needs
  • Medicines were not managed safely and there was no policy or protocol regarding people self-administering medicines or care plans for as needed medicines
  • Relatives were not involved in the development of people’s care or their discharge. This meant that people didn’t receive person centred care which prioritised their individual needs, and often stayed in the service for much longer lengths of time than they needed to
  • The service was not caring. Inspectors saw staff ignoring people’s request of basic needs of food and drink and staff talked amongst themselves rather than engaging with people using the service
  • People experienced harm because of a lack of protection, they experienced abusive incidents, restraint and seclusion. People had poor relationships with staff which were not therapeutic
  • The service was not well led. Governance processes had not ensured the delivery of safe and high-quality care
  • There was no ward manager in the service and the modern matron and general manager were new to their role. There was a lack of visible leadership, staff did not feel listened to, and management failed to act on known issues
  • The service could not show how they met the principles of ‘Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture’ CQC’s guidance on how all people with a learning disability or autistic people should expect to be treated when using services.

Full details of the inspection are given in the report published on our website.

For enquiries about this press release please email regional.engagement@cqc.org.uk.

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About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.