In the past week the Care Quality Commission has published a further 82 reports on the quality of care provided by adult social care services across the South of England.
Following recent inspections, 47 of these care homes and agencies supporting people in their own homes have been rated as Good, 29 have been rated Requires Improvement, four have been rated Inadequate and two rated Outstanding.
Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all of England’s adult social care services regulated by CQC, are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.
Deborah Ivanova, CQC's Interim Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care, said:
"People are entitled to services which provide safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care. We assess services against five key questions – Is the service caring? Is the service effective? Is the service safe? Is the service well led? Is the service responsive? – and rate each question and the service overall. Where we find a service meets our characteristics of good or outstanding then we will rate accordingly.
"If we find that a service requires improvement, we will expect them to provide us with a full plan setting out how they will address the issue. We will share our findings with local commissioners, and we will return in due course to check that they have made the required improvements.
"Whenever we find a service to be Inadequate, we will consider taking further action on behalf of the people who use the service. Providers of those services should take the publication of the inadequate rating as a signal that immediate action is required to improve the service”
Full reports on all 82 inspections are available on this website.
Adult Social Care services by local authority area and rating:
- Bradfield Residential Home, Mr David James Johnson & Mrs Brenda Eileen Johnson, Kent: Outstanding
- The Shelley Care Home, The Shelley (Worthing) Limited, West Sussex: Outstanding
- Florence Lodge, Florence Lodge Healthcare Limited, Bournemouth: Good
- St Annes' Private Nursing Home, Mr & Mrs M J Lingam-Willgoss, Bournemouth: Good
- Far End Residential Home, Ms Patricia Trezise-Dundas & Ms Dorinda Trezise-Dundas, Bracknell Forest: Good
- Brighton & Hove City Council - Brighton and Hove Home Care, Brighton and Hove City Council, Brighton and Hove: Good
- Hanover Care Limited, Hanover Care Limited, Brighton and Hove: Good
- St Anthony's Residential Home Limited, St. Anthony's Residential Home Limited, Cornwall: Good
- Supporting You in Cornwall, Craegmoor Supporting You Limited, Cornwall: Good
- Tanglewood, Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Cornwall: Good
- The Old Manor House, Mr J R Anson & Mrs M A Anson, Cornwall: Good
- Bluebird Care Exeter, W&S Flint Services Ltd, Devon: Good
- New Treetops, Devon County Council, Devon: Good
- Ogwell Grange Residential Care Home, Ogwell Grange Limited, Devon: Good
- RNID Action on Hearing Loss Pippin House, The Royal National Institute for Deaf People, Devon: Good
- Saffron Care Agency, Saffron Care Ltd, Devon: Good
- Sanctuary Home Care Ltd - Devon, Sanctuary Home Care Limited, Devon: Good
- St Maur, Community Care Trust (South West) Limited, Devon: Good
- The Vicarage, The Vicarage (2008) Limited, Devon: Good
- Dudwell St Mary, Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited, East Sussex: Good
- Turning Point - The Sanctuary, Turning Point, East Sussex: Good
- Grapevine Care Domiciliary Care, Grapevine Care Limited, Gloucestershire: Good
- The Elms Care Home with Nursing, Brickjet Limited, Gloucestershire: Good
- Wentworth Court Care Home, First Cheltenham Care Limited, Gloucestershire: Good
- Blue Cedars, Congress House Limited, Hampshire: Good
- Autumn House Residential Home, Autumn House Care Limited, Isle of Wight: Good
- Aspley House, Insight Specialist Behavioural Service Ltd, Kent: Good
- Birchwood House Rest Home, Malvirt Limited, Kent: Good
- Elysium Supported Living Ltd, Elysium Supported Living Limited, Kent: Good
- Fairlawn Residential Home, Mr & Mrs M Lawrence, Kent: Good
- Strode Park Foundation – Redwalls, Strode Park Foundation For People With Disabilities, Kent: Good
- Westview, Lothlorien Community Limited, Kent: Good
- Hawthorns, Meriden Homes Limited, Oxfordshire: Good
- HF Trust - No 3 & 4a Milton Heights, HF Trust Limited, Oxfordshire: Good
- SureCare Oxfordshire, ASD UK Network LTD, Oxfordshire: Good
- Autism Wessex-Middle Path, Autism Wessex, Somerset: Good
- Mamsey House, Clinida Care Limited, Somerset: Good
- Fourways Care, Fourways Care Limited, South Gloucestershire: Good
- Ashley House - Guildford, Mrs P M McKenna, Surrey: Good
- Melbreck, Voyage 1 Limited, Surrey: Good
- Queen Elizabeth Park, Carebase (Guildford) Limited, Surrey: Good
- Sandalwood, Welmede Housing Association Limited, Surrey: Good
- Whitmore Vale House, Whitmore Vale Housing Association Limited, Surrey: Good
- Argyll House, Community Homes of Intensive Care and Education Limited, Swindon: Good
- Care Partners, Care Partners (Newbury) Ltd, West Berkshire: Good
- Truscott Manor Care Home, Frannan International Limited, West Sussex: Good
- Sarsen House, Mrs C Howie & Mr M Howie, Wiltshire: Good
- Tullyboy, Mrs C Howie & Mr M Howie, Wiltshire: Good
- Willow House DCA, Mrs Sharon Anne Arnott, Wiltshire: Good
- Priory Rookery Hove, Priory Education Services Limited, Brighton and Hove: Requires improvement
- Alpha Community Care, Alpha Medical Care Limited, Buckinghamshire: Requires improvement
- Chiltern Grange Care Home, Porthaven Care Homes Limited, Buckinghamshire: Requires improvement
- Clinton House Nursing Home, Morleigh Limited, Cornwall: Requires improvement
- Collamere Nursing Home, Pinerace Limited, Cornwall: Requires improvement
- Trecarrel Care Home, Cornwallis Care Services Ltd, Cornwall: Requires improvement
- Blackdown Nursing Home, Primrose (2013) Limited, Devon: Requires improvement
- Bole Aller House, Bole Aller House Limited, Devon: Requires improvement
- Trianon, Networking Care Partnerships (South West) Limited, Devon: Requires improvement
- Sunshine Coast Support Ltd, Sunshine Coast Support Limited, East Sussex: Requires improvement
- Fleming House Care Home with Nursing, Hampshire County Council, Hampshire: Requires improvement
- Brenan House Residential Home, Brenan House Residential Home, Kent: Requires improvement
- L'Arche Kent Faith House, L'Arche, Kent: Requires improvement
- Phoenix House, Phoenix Care Homes Limited, Kent: Requires improvement
- Huntercombe Hall Care Home, Caring Homes Healthcare Group Limited, Oxfordshire: Requires improvement
- The Maples, The Disabilities Trust, Oxfordshire: Requires improvement
- Alexandra House - Oxted, Mr & Mrs M Noorbaccus, Surrey: Requires improvement
- Cambridge House, Mr Naushad Heeroo & Mrs Christine Anne Heeroo, Surrey: Requires improvement
- Stokefield Care Home, Galleon Care Homes Limited, Surrey: Requires improvement
- Whitbourne House, Care And Support Partnership Community Interest Company, Swindon: Requires improvement
- Mount Tryon, Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited, Torbay: Requires improvement
- Larkswood, Sound Homes Limited, West Sussex: Requires improvement
- Seagull Rest Home EMI, Maniben Odedra, West Sussex: Requires improvement
- Summerlea House Nursing Home, London Residential Healthcare Limited, West Sussex: Requires improvement
- Alexander Heights Care Home, Avonpark Village (Care Homes) Limited, Wiltshire: Requires improvement
- Allied Healthcare Swindon, Nestor Primecare Services Limited, Wiltshire: Requires improvement
- Ashley Grange Nursing Home, Ashley Grange Nursing Home Limited, Wiltshire: Requires improvement
- Fountain Place Nursing Home, Avonpark Village (Care Homes) Limited, Wiltshire: Requires improvement
- Turning Point - Wiltshire, Turning Point, Wiltshire: Requires improvement
- Ashley Manor Nursing Home - Southampton, Theresa Andrews, Hampshire: Inadequate
- Alpine Care Home, Regal Care Trading Ltd, Kent: Inadequate
- Alvington House Retirement Home, Alvington House Limited, Surrey: Inadequate
- Coombe Dingle Nursing Home, Alpha Care (Caterham) Limited, Surrey: Inadequate
For further information, please contact John Scott, Regional Engagement Manager on 077898 75809. Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here. Please note: the press office is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters. For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61 61.