In the past week the Care Quality Commission has published a further 59 reports on the quality of care provided by adult social care services across the South of England.
Following recent inspections, 39 of these care homes and agencies supporting people in their own homes have been rated as Good, 16 have been rated Requires Improvement, three have been rated Inadequate and one Outstanding.
Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all of England’s adult social care services regulated by CQC, are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.
Deborah Ivanova, CQC's Interim Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care, said:
"People are entitled to services which provide safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care. We assess services against five key questions – Is the service caring? Is the service effective? Is the service safe? Is the service well led? Is the service responsive? – and rate each question and the service overall. Where we find a service meets our characteristics of good or outstanding then we will rate accordingly.
"If we find that a service requires improvement, we will expect them to provide us with a full plan setting out how they will address the issue. We will share our findings with local commissioners, and we will return in due course to check that they have made the required improvements.
"Whenever we find a service to be Inadequate, we will consider taking further action on behalf of the people who use the service. Providers of those services should take the publication of the inadequate rating as a signal that immediate action is required to improve the service”
Full reports on all 59 inspections are available on this website.
Adult Social Care services by local authority area and rating:
- United Response - 17 John Street, United Response, Kent: Outstanding
- Care Management Group - 3a The Droveway, Care Management Group Limited, Brighton and Hove: Good
- Amberley House Care Home - Truro, Dove Care Homes Limited, Cornwall: Good
- Appleby Lodge, Appleby Rest Homes Limited, Cornwall: Good
- Appledown, Appledown Care Home Limited, Cornwall: Good
- Castle Hill House Care Home with Nursing, Castle Hill House Limited, Cornwall: Good
- Cromarty House, Mr & Mrs R Tarrant, Cornwall: Good
- Tresillian Residential Home, Mr N and Mrs S Hart, Cornwall: Good
- TrewCare Limited, Trewcare Limited, Cornwall: Good
- Acorn Manor, Ark Care Homes Limited, Devon: Good
- Dedicated Care, Mrs Samantha Louise Rosewell, Devon: Good
- Southview, Orchard View Care Services Limited, Devon: Good
- The Lawns, Voyage 1 Limited, Devon: Good
- Carricks Brook, Oakdown House Limited, East Sussex: Good
- Winslow House, Winslow House Limited, Gloucestershire: Good
- Cambria House, Community Homes of Intensive Care and Education Limited, Hampshire: Good
- Dominic Care Ltd, Dominic Care Limited, Hampshire: Good
- Moss Cottage, Community Integrated Care, Hampshire: Good
- Hanningfield Retirement Home Limited, Hanningfield Retirement Homes Limited, Kent: Good
- The Coach House, Strode Park Foundation For People With Disabilities, Kent: Good
- The Old Rectory, Insight Specialist Behavioural Service Ltd, Kent: Good
- Rock House, PureCare Care Homes Limited, Medway: Good
- OSJCT Langford View, The Orders Of St. John Care Trust, Oxfordshire: Good
- Beyond Limits (Plymouth), Beyond Limits (Plymouth) Ltd, Plymouth: Good
- Careline The Agency for Carestaff, Careline The Agency for Carestaff Limited, Reading: Good
- Northway House Residential Home, Northway House Residential Home Limited, Somerset: Good
- The Old Police House, Somerset County Council (LD Services), Somerset: Good
- St Katherine Care Home, Chilworth Care Ltd, Southampton: Good
- Care Management Group - 1 Fengates Road, Care Management Group Limited, Surrey: Good
- Care Management Group - 5 Fengates Road, Care Management Group Limited, Surrey: Good
- Carewatch (Woking), Carewatch Care Services Limited, Surrey: Good
- Sunrise Operations Weybridge Limited, Sunrise Operations Weybridge Limited, Surrey: Good
- Park View Nursing Home, Bothwells Ltd, Swindon: Good
- White Horse Care Trust Domiciliary Care Service, The White Horse Care Trust, Swindon: Good
- Kincare, Mrs Pamela Gladys Jenkins, West Berkshire: Good
- Caremark (Mid Sussex and Crawley), Mycare Services Ltd, West Sussex: Good
- Tenby House, Assured Care Services Limited, West Sussex: Good
- Walstead Place Care Home With Nursing, Caring Homes Healthcare Group Limited, West Sussex: Good
- ILP Residential, James Norman Lewis, Wiltshire: Good
- Kingsley Road, Royal Mencap Society, Wiltshire: Good
- Chalfont Lodge, Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited, Buckinghamshire: Requires improvement
- Ashberry Court, Mr Ramachandran Jalatheepan & Mr Varunatheepan Ramachandran, East Sussex: Requires improvement
- Ashdale House, Alliance Home Care (Learning Disabilities) Limited, East Sussex: Requires improvement
- Magnata Care (Basingstoke), Magnata Limited, Hampshire: Requires improvement
- Wimborne, Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited, Hampshire: Requires improvement
- Elm Lea Residential Care Home, Arvind Rajendra Khanna, Kent: Requires improvement
- St James House, Sequence Care Limited, Kent: Requires improvement
- The Croft, FitzRoy Support, Kent: Requires improvement
- Kirlena House, Auditcare Kirlena House Limited, Oxfordshire: Requires improvement
- Harry Sotnick House, Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd, Portsmouth: Requires improvement
- Torrwood Care Centre, Methodist Homes, Somerset: Requires improvement
- Redehall Cottage, Ashcroft Care Services Limited, Surrey: Requires improvement
- Supreme Healthcare Services - Surrey, Mr Innocent Mukarati, Surrey: Requires improvement
- Waverley Community Care (Guildford & South West Surrey), The Waverley Care Group Ltd, Surrey: Requires improvement
- Prestige Nursing Swindon, Prestige Nursing Limited, Swindon: Requires improvement
- Victoria Royal Beach, Valant Care Limited, West Sussex: Requires improvement
- St.Theresa's Nursing Home, Morleigh Limited, Cornwall: Inadequate
- Green Bank, Mrs S J Pillow, East Sussex: Inadequate
- Harecombe Manor Nursing Home, Mr & Mrs A Ollivier, East Sussex: Inadequate
For further information, please contact John Scott, Regional Engagement Manager on 077898 75809. Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here. Please note: the press office is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters. For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61.