England’s Chief Inspector of General Practice has welcomed improvements in the quality of services provided by Dr Eamom McQuillan at Bloomsbury Medical Centre in Nechells, Birmingham.
In September 2015, inspectors identified concerns with regard to the safety, effectiveness and leadership of the practice. As a result the practice was given an overall rating of Inadequate and placed into special measures
A further inspection which took place in August 2016 concluded the practice had addressed all areas of concern. It has now been awarded an overall rating of Good.
A full report of the latest inspection has been published.
Inspectors found that since the original inspection the practice had taken significant steps to improve leadership, with a focus on improving the quality of its services to patients.
Examples of key findings included:
- Staff understood and fulfilled their responsibility to raise concerns or report incidents and near misses, and there was evidence that learning from these was shared among staff.
- The practice had a wide variety of risk assessments to monitor safety of the premises; such as control of substances hazardous to health, legionella and infection control. Other risks to patients, such as fire safety or health and safety were also assessed and well managed.
- New robust monitoring processes and alerts were in place for when medications kept in the GP bag were due to expire.
- New policies and procedures were in place to govern activity and all staff had received training appropriate to their roles.
- Both a defibrillator and oxygen were now available at the practice.
- Care plans and assessments were being routinely reviewed and updated on the clinical system.
- Information about the service and how to complain were available and made clear to patients.
- Patients were positive about staff and said they were treated with compassion and dignity and they said they found it easy to make appointments.
Professor Steve Field, Chief Inspector of General Practice, said:
“It was disappointing that our inspection in September 2015 highlighted concerns, particularly in relation to whether it was safe, effective and well-led.
“I am very pleased to see that since then, the practice has made significant progress, which has led to a much better service for patients resulting in a new rating of Good.
“Patients spoke positively about staff at the practice and said they were treated with dignity and compassion.
“For example, the practice had a clear vision to deliver high quality care and promote good outcomes for patients and learning to improve safety in the practice was shared with staff.
“We also saw that staff treated patients with kindness and respect, and they maintained patient and information confidentiality. The practice had also met requirement notices we issued as a result of our previous inspection.
“It is clear that the practice took our findings seriously, seeking external advice to help it improve and working hard to implement the necessary changes. All of the staff should be extremely proud of what they have achieved and I applaud the dedication and commitment they have shown to improving the care of their patients.”
For media enquiries, call Regional Engagement Manager, Louise Grifferty on 07717 422917. For media enquiries about the Care Quality Commission, please call the press office on 020 7448 9401 during office hours. Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here (please note: the duty press officer is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters). For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61 61.
I applaud the dedication and commitment they have shown to improving the care of their patients.
Professor Steve Field, Chief Inspector of General Practice