The Care Quality Commission has rated the care being provided at Springfield Court Nursing Home, in Ormskirk, Lancashire to be Outstanding after an inspection in November last year.
The service is registered to provide accommodation and nursing care for up to 56 people. At the time of the inspection 51 people were living in the home. It was previously rated Good in 2016.
Following the latest inspection Springfield Court Nursing Home was rated Outstanding overall and for services that are responsive and well-led. Safe, effective and caring services were rated Good.
A full report of the inspection has been published on the CQC website:
Helena Dennett - Head of Inspection (North West), Adult Social Care said:
“Although this service was rated Good the last time we visited they have seen this as an opportunity to improve further. It was clear to us that they have listened to the previous inspection findings and built on the good care they were already providing.
“We saw there was a strong desire, led by an experienced management team, to take the time to learn people’s histories and experiences, and include them in their care planning. The personal knowledge was used to tailor the support and activities staff provided so the best possible care was provided and people had important social interactions. Staff recognised and embraced the importance of people maintaining their interests, personalising the support had a significant positive impact on the people living in the home.
“We also saw how compassionate staff were and how they approached end of life care in an empathetic way. Families told us how the approach had benefited them and their mental wellbeing. The home had embedded an effective process to gather people’s feedback about the service so further improvements and best practice could be developed.
“It was clear that providing high quality person-centred care was a priority for the provider, and staff too were highly valued, their wellbeing and job satisfaction had been invested in. Well done to everyone involved with the service. An excellent example of Outstanding care and improvement.”
For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Officer Mark Humphreys 01912011675.
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