Connected Health Plus, Cheshire, placed in special measures following CQC inspection

Published: 6 September 2021 Page last updated: 6 September 2021

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Connected Health Plus in Cheshire, inadequate overall and the service has been placed in special measures, following an inspection which took place in June.

The service was also rated inadequate for being safe and well-led. At the last inspection in March 2021 the service was rated as good overall.

Connected Health Plus, run by Connected Health Limited is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to people living in their own homes. At the time of this inspection the service was supporting 163 people with personal care.

This focused inspection was carried out following CQC receiving concerns in relation to missed house calls, the management of medicines, as well as a lack of leadership and governance processes.

Hayley Moore, CQC’s head of adult social care inspection, said:

“During our inspection of Connected Health Plus in Widnes, we were disappointed to find people were not receiving the safe and timely care they deserve.

“There was extensive call-cramming, meaning staff were scheduled to be at multiple house calls at the same time, and back-to-back calls without any time for travel. The provider's approach to call cramming meant it was inevitable people's care needs would not be safely and effectively met or not met at all. Inspectors were told staff were often late or missed calls completely which could put people at risk of harm.

“We were also concerned to find a number of safeguarding concerns that had not been reported to us, and there was no evidence that any action had been taken to investigate these concerns.

“We found that people did not receive their medicines safely and as prescribed. The provider did not have clear information or understanding of people's individual medication needs which could put people at risk.

“The service has been placed in special measures, which means we will keep it under review and will re-inspect within six months to check to see whether the significant improvements needed have been made and embedded. If sufficient improvements have not been made at that point, we will take enforcement action in accordance with our legal powers.”

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