Harford Health Centre in Tower Hamlets, East London has been rated Good overall by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Previously it was rated Inadequate and had been placed in special measures.
The health centre, which looks after around 9,750 patients, was rated Good for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led. It was rated Requires Improvement for being safe, following an inspection on 2 November 2020.
All of the specific concerns identified at the previous inspection had been satisfactorily addressed. There were some issues regarding management of specific medicines, however the practice took prompt action to resolve this.
The practice could demonstrate it had processes in place for managing risk. It had created a specific action plan which detailed the risks that had been identified, this plan was monitored and updated to ensure that risks were addressed and escalated where necessary.
The practice could show that they had the capacity and skills to deliver high quality care. They had discussed the GP Patient Survey results for 2020 and had put in place a documented action plan to try and improve patients’ experience. Feedback received from members of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) advised that the practice meets the needs of and listens to its patients.
Vicki Wells, CQC’s Deputy Chief Inspector of Primary Medical Services, London, said:
“It is always good news when a practice jumps from a rating of Inadequate to Good overall. I want to congratulate staff and management at the centre who have worked hard to achieve this and I hope it can be sustained and even improved in the future.
“We recognise the significant improvements made to the care provided at Harford Health Centre. Which is why we are taking this service out of special measures.”
You can read the report in full when it is published on CQC’s website here.
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