The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found the quality of care provided by Rotherham Crossroads-Caring For Carers, a domiciliary care agency, Rotherham, South Yorkshire to be Outstanding following an inspection in June 2016.
Crossroads is a registered charity and a not for profit organisation. At the time of the inspection the service supported 298 people with various care needs, from social support to maintaining people's independence with full personal care needs.
The service has been rated Outstanding for being safe, caring and well led and was rated Good for being effective, and responsive. Overall the service was rated ‘Outstanding’. A full report of the inspection is available on this website.
The inspection team could clearly see that the service actively involved people in their assessments which enabled them to make choices about the support they needed to help them to be as independent as possible. The service was flexible which meant times of visits could change if people had to attend hospital or any other health related appointments.
The diverse nature of the community it serves was a key feature of the service in that it actively worked with the Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance [REMA] to promote Crossroads services within the population of Rotherham. REMA had also translated leaflets so that they were accessible in different languages. They also provided training to Crossroads staff on 'An introduction to Islam and Muslim Communities.'
Care and support was planned in partnership with people using the service and their relatives and they told us they always received support from a regular team of care workers who understood their needs. Care plans contained detailed step by step instructions for care staff to follow to meet the needs of people who used the service.
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care in the North, said:
“This is a fantastic domiciliary care service clearly demonstrated by the many examples positive feedback including:
- "The service is marvellous, outstanding and staff are kind and considerate."
- "They are like part of my family, they always turn up with a smile on their face and treat me with respect, they are like angels."
- Another person said, "Nothing is too much trouble for the girls [staff]."
“The service was managed extremely well. Inspectors could see that the registered manager was very committed to continuous improvement and feedback from people, whether positive or negative, and it was used as an opportunity for improvement. The registered manager demonstrated a good understanding of the importance of effective quality assurance systems.
“Staff provided the best possible service for people who used the service and they were highly motivated and understood what was expected of them. They told us they felt supported knowing they could put suggestions forward about improving the service and their suggestions would be listened to.
“The management at Rotherham Crossroads-Caring For Carers are to be applauded. It is for this and many other reasons why the service has received the highest rating we can give and I congratulate them.”