The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by Arthur Rank Hospice in Shelford Bottom, Cambridge, to be Outstanding following an inspection in December.
Arthur Rank Hospice is a hospice operated by the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity. The hospice runs a number of services including 23 inpatient beds and a ‘hospice at home’ night service from 10pm to 7am, seven days a week, and a specialist palliative community nursing team that conducts assessments and provides patients with advice in their own homes.
Inspectors found staff were caring and compassionate and people were being provided with safe, responsive, caring, effective and well-led care. A full inspection report has been published on our website.
Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all adult health and social care services are given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. Arthur Rank Hospice is rated Outstanding for being caring and responsive and Good for being safe, effective and well-led.
Amanda Stanford, CQC’s Head of Hospital Inspection in the central region, said:
“Our inspection team was extremely impressed by the level of care and support offered to people at the Arthur Rank Hospice.
“We found that people were cared for with compassion, dignity and respect by staff who truly respected and valued patients as individuals and who supported them practically and emotionally, by offering an exceptional service.
“The service was proactive in meeting the needs of people from their whole community, the service provided reflected the needs of the population it serves and we found it ensured flexibility, choice and continuity of care. The service was also proactive at engaging with groups that were hard to reach to ensure an equitable access to its services.
“Staff kept patients safe from harm and abuse, care and treatment records were accurate and detailed, incidents were investigated and made improvements were made to the service as a result.
“Care and treatment was delivered in line with evidence-based practice by skilled and experienced staff and patients and carers were involved in decisions about their care and treatment.
“There were some areas where we have asked the service to make improvements, such as ensuring all electrical equipment services are up to date, but we found that overall people received a high standard of care.
“This is why the service has been rated as Outstanding and the staff and management of this hospice are to be commended for their hard work.”
Our inspection team was extremely impressed by the level of care and support offered to people at the Arthur Rank Hospice.
Amanda Stanford, CQC’s Head of Hospital Inspection in the central region