The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has told Bronte Park Residential Home, Haworth that they must make improvements to protect the safety and welfare of people they care for.
CQC carried out its most recent inspection in April and May. Inspectors found that for safety, responsiveness, well-led and effectiveness the home was inadequate and for caring they required improvement.Overall the service has been rated as Inadequate.
The full report from the inspection can be found on our website.
Some of the findings from the latest inspection included:
When CQC last inspected the service in February 2016 they identified one breach of regulation in relation to staff training and the overall quality rating for the service was requires improvement. On this inspection found the service had declined significantly.
Inspectors found practices in the home which showed a lack of respect for the people who lived there. People were not receiving person centred care which met their needs or preferences and there were a lack of activities to keep people occupied.
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North, said:
“At our last inspection we found that overall the service required improvement. To discover that the service had deteriorated quite significantly is very disappointing. I expect providers should use our inspection reports to help address their problems and rectify them as a matter of urgency."
“We found that records relating to peoples care were not readily available or up to date and information was difficult to find. I was also concerned to hear that staff told us they started to get people up at 5.00am and there were not enough night staff on duty to meet the needs of people in a timely way."
“This meant the service was not able to effectively deliver personalised care and inspectors witnessed some very poor care. For example at breakfast time one person was brought a cooked breakfast, but fell asleep, and staff did not notice. When they awoke their breakfast had gone cold. This is not acceptable."
“People are entitled to services which provide safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care, consequently this service has been rated as Inadequate and placed in special measures. We are working with local commissioners, including Bradford Council, to ensure the safety of people using this service."
“We will continue to monitor this service and if not enough improvement is made we will not hesitate to use our enforcement powers."
For further information, please contact David Fryer, Regional Communications Manager - North, on 07754 438750.
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To discover that the service had deteriorated quite significantly is very disappointing
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North,