Bluebird Care Exeter rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission

Published: 31 July 2018 Page last updated: 31 July 2018

Bluebird Care Exeter in Prospect Park, Exeter, Devon has been rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission following an inspection in June.

Inspectors rated the service Outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led and Good for being safe. The overall rating was Outstanding

Bluebird Care Exeter is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to older adults and younger disabled adults in Exeter, and surrounding areas. At the time of the inspection the Exeter branch provided personal care to about 100 people.

Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said;

“Bluebird Care Exeter have taken to heart our previous inspection report from September 2015 where we rated them Good and used it as a template to further improve their services. I am delighted that the quality of care provided has continued to improve so that the service has achieved an Outstanding rating.

“The staff and management of Bluebird Care should be very proud of the safe, caring, supportive, person-centred service they are providing”

Some of the key findings from the inspection include;

The service had embraced the possibilities of using technology in innovative ways to improve the quality of people's care and to enable them to stay living at home for longer. The service was working with a specialist provider to pilot using sensor technology to assist families to support and monitor a person's wellbeing. An electronic computer record system meant staff could read new people's care records before they visited, and follow up any health concerns. The system quickly highlighted when a person's needs changed, so their care needs could be reviewed. Other benefits included health professionals, such as paramedics and relatives being able to access parts of the system, with the person's consent.

Staff were found to be exceptionally caring and compassionate and were viewed as were partners in peoples care. Peoples views, experience and contributions were sought and valued. The agency had a strong, visible person centred culture. People were at the heart of everything they did, they were made to feel valued and that they mattered. The service went that extra mile to exceed people's expectations of the service. For example, the service was building on their wellbeing agenda. Staff, led by a 'Wellbeing' Ambassador' organised a monthly wellbeing programme to get people out socialising, having new experiences and having some exercise. Feedback showed this significantly improved people's physical and emotional wellbeing and reduced their risk of isolation.

The service was also working with Age UK venues so people using Bluebird services could meet other people and promote social inclusion. A new partnership with a local charity was offering discreet personal care, complimentary treatments, on-site library and laundry as a 'Wellbeing Hub'. There was a vision of getting away from the traditional 'elderly day centre' service and offering an empowering, inclusive experience for young and old. Intergenerational experiences were promoted where people could enjoy spending quality time, sharing their skills and lives with school children in a meaningful way.

Read the report


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I am delighted that the quality of care provided has continued to improve so that the service has achieved an Outstanding rating

Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector, Adult Social Care

About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.