The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by Ulysses House in Edgbaston, Birmingham, to be Outstanding overall following an inspection in August.
Ulysses House is a care home managed by Precious Homes Limited which provides accommodation, nursing and personal care to six people with learning difficulties and autism.
Inspectors found staff were caring and compassionate and people were being provided with safe, responsive, caring, effective and well-led care.
Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all adult social care services are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. Ulysses House is rated Outstanding overall as well as for being responsive and well-led, and Good for being safe, effective and caring.
Maggie Hannelly, CQC’s Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care in the central region, said:
“Our inspection team was really impressed by the level of care and support offered to people living at Ulysses House.
“The care provided was extremely person-centred and the staff were passionate about caring for people to a high standard. We saw that without exception people and their relatives were treated with kindness and staff had a bond with people like they were their own family members.
“The registered manager provided strong and stable leadership, and a clear direction to the staff team who were highly motivated and felt valued. They were committed to supporting people to maximise their opportunities in order to live a fulfilling life.
“Relatives we spoke with felt their views and opinions about their loved one's care were always listened to so that they felt fully involved.
“Due to people's medical diagnosis, they responded well to routine and having a clear timeline of events so they could process the information. Pictures and symbols were used to engage people in developing a timeline and sequence of events to enable them to predict events so their anxieties were supported.
“All of this meant people received a high standard of care, which is why it has been rated Outstanding.”
Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said:
“The quality of care which our inspectors found here was exceptional and I am very pleased that we can celebrate the service’s achievements.
“An outstanding service is the result of a tremendous amount of hard work and commitment. I would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved.”
Our inspection team was really impressed by the level of care and support offered to people living at Ulysses House
Maggie Hannelly, CQC’s Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care in the central region