The Care Quality Commission has rated the quality of care provided by 3 Dimensions Care Ltd, at its Ashcroft service based in Somerset, as Outstanding.
Ashcroft, in Chard is one of the first services to receive the top rating under the CQC’s new methodology for inspecting adult social care services in the South.
CQC found the service very caring with people being treated with the utmost dignity and kindness. Inspectors found an exceptionally friendly, caring and close bond between people using the service and the staff supporting them. People were given information in a variety of appropriate formats to help them understand and to be actively involved in every aspect of decision making. Staff always supported people to the extent they needed but took every opportunity to encourage people’s independence and choice.
Inspectors observed people using the service were supported by a highly motivated and dedicated team of care staff. The provider and the registered manager were exceptionally approachable, supportive, and caring toward people, relatives and staff. CQC identified a clear commitment from both staff and management to continually improve the support they delivered.
At the inspection in December, inspectors found that people were receiving care which was safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led, from compassionate staff who delivered person centred care with dignity and respect. We found the service to be safe. People using the service were protected from abuse and avoidable harm. Any potential risks were identified and managed in ways that enabled people to make their own choices and allowed then to be as independent as they could be. There were sufficient numbers of suitably trained staff to keep people safe and meet each person’s individual needs and preferences. The full report is available on this website.
Adrian Hughes, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the south, said:
“We found that Ashcroft was providing an outstanding service to the people it supported, individuals were supported and encouraged to be part of their community and the team there should be extremely proud of the work they do.
“We were struck by the extent to which the service places the people it supports at the heart of everything it does. While this should be standard practice across the sector, we do not see it often enough – and this, amongst other good practice found, is why this service deserves the outstanding rating which has been awarded.
“The support provided was designed not just to meet people’s individual needs, but also foster good, close relationships and enhance interpersonal skills. A caring, friendly and close bond is evident between people and the staff. The quality of staff providing services is a key to the quality of a service overall, the investment in staff training and development coupled with support from the registered manager and the provider has resulted in an outstanding service which provides consistent and reliable care”
For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Manager John Scott on 0191 2333548. Or call the CQC press office on 020 7448 9401 during office hours or out of hours on 07789 876508. For general enquiries, call 03000 61 61 61.
Find out more
Read our reports on Ashcroft.
Ashcroft was providing an outstanding service to the people it supported, individuals were supported and encouraged to be part of their community and the team there should be extremely proud of the work they do.
Adrian Hughes, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the south