Governance, management and sustainability

Quality statement

We have clear responsibilities, roles, systems of accountability and good governance. We use these to manage and deliver good quality, sustainable care, treatment and support. We act on the best information about risk, performance and outcomes, and we share this securely with others when appropriate.


  • There are clear and effective governance, management and accountability arrangements at all levels within the local authority. These provide visibility and assurance on:
    • delivery of Care Act duties 
    • quality and sustainability and risks to delivery
    • people’s care and support experiences and outcomes
  • The local authority uses information about risks, performance, inequalities and outcomes to:
    • inform its adult social strategy and plans
    • allocate resources
    • deliver the actions needed to improve care and support outcomes for people and local communities.
  • There are robust arrangements for the availability, integrity and confidentiality of data, records and data management systems.

Related sections of the Care Act

Care Act 2014:

  • Section 1: Well-Being Principle.

Delivery of all Care Act functions is underpinned by effective leadership.

Required evidence

People’s experience

  • Compliments and complaints
  • Feedback that people have sent to the local authority and feedback it has gathered itself through surveys or focus groups
  • Healthwatch

Feedback from staff and leaders

  • Council adult social care portfolio holder
  • Overview and scrutiny committee
  • Chief executive
  • Council leader
  • Principal social worker
  • Director of adult social services
  • Director of public health
  • Commissioners
  • The local authority’s self-assessment of its performance for the quality statement

If available

  • Staff feedback from the local authority’s own surveys
  • Staff forum
  • Peer review

Feedback from partners

  • Community and voluntary sector groups, including those representing:
    • people who are more likely to have a poorer experience of care and poorer outcomes
    • people with protected equality characteristics
    • unpaid carers
  • Healthwatch
  • Local health partners
  • Care providers
  • Health and wellbeing board
  • Integrated care partnership, integrated care system
  • Local Government Social Care Ombudsman annual letter

If available:

  • SEND review
  • Reports from Ofsted for inspecting local authority children's services (ILACS)
  • Feedback from other regulators


  • Adult social care strategic plan(s)
  • Governance arrangements for delivering Care Act duties including:
    • quality assurance
    • risks to delivery, risk register
    • impact on people’s experiences and outcomes
  • Adult social care risk register and arrangements for internal and external escalation


We will not look at evidence under this category.