This page sets out further information and guidance related to the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009.
Regulation 4: Requirements where the service provider is an individual or partnership
Regulation 5: Fit and proper persons: directors
Regulation 6: Requirement where the service provider is a body other than a partnership
Regulation 7: Requirements relating to registered managers
Regulation 9: Person-centred care
Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices
Regulation 10: Dignity and respect
Regulation 11: Need for consent
Regulation 12: Safe care and treatment
Regulation 13: Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment
Regulation 14: Meeting nutritional and hydration needs
Regulation 15: Premises and equipment
Regulation 16: Receiving and acting on complaints
Regulation 17: Good governance
Regulation 19: Fit and proper persons employed
Regulation 20: Duty of candour
Regulation 20A: Requirement as to display of performance assessments
CQC registration regulations: related guidance
Regulation 4: Requirements where the service provider is an individual or partnership
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Care Act 2014 resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
General resources
- NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE at-a-glance summaries - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE guides - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE resources and services - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Social Care TV (requires registration) - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
Regulation 5: Fit and proper persons: directors
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Care Act 2014 resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Conduct, ethics and performance
- The seven principals of public life - GOV.UK (Committee on standards for public life)
- Standards - General Pharmaceutical Council
- Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - Health and Care Professions Council
Disclosure and Barring (DBS)
- Disclosure and Barring Service
- Disclosure and Barring identity checking guidelines
- DBS checks for CQC registration
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
Equality and human rights
- EHRC employment statutory code of practice: sections on reasonable adjustments and pre-employment health checks - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Equality Act 2010 guidance - GOV.UK
- Guidance about age discrimination - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice - Equality and Human Rights Commission
General resources
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Our Standards - Professional Standards Authority
- Setting up and running a charity: detailed information - GOV.UK
Regulation 6: Requirement where the service provider is a body other than a partnership
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Care Act 2014 resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
General resources
- NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE at-a-glance summaries - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE guides - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE resources and services - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Social Care TV (requires registration) - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
Regulation 7: Requirements relating to registered managers
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Care Act 2014 resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
General resources
- NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE at-a-glance summaries - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE guides - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE resources and services - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Social Care TV (requires registration) - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
Regulation 8: General
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Care Act 2014 resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
General resources
- NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE at-a-glance summaries - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE guides - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE resources and services - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Social Care TV (requires registration) - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
Regulation 9: Person-centred care
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Care, treatment and support
- A better life for older people with high support needs: At a glance summary 65 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Adult social care outcomes framework 2018/19: handbook of definitions - Department of Health and Social Care
- GP services for older people: a guide for care home managers – SCIE guide 52 – Social Care Institute for Excellence, December 2013
- Life Story Network resources
- Living well in care homes - Royal College of Occupational Therapists
- Making the move to delivering reablement: At a glance summary 56 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Maximising the potential of reablement: SCIE guide 49 – Social Care Institute for Excellence
- NHS choice framework - GOV.UK
- Preventing loneliness and social isolation among older people: At a glance 60 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Continence - Royal College of Nursing
- Faecal incontinence: Quality standard 54 - NICE, February 2014
- Lower urinary tract symptoms: The management of lower urinary tract symptoms in men – NICE clinical guideline 97 - NICE, May 2010
- Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women: management NICE guideline [NG 123] - NICE
Dignity and respect
- Dignity in Care – SCIE guide 15 - Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2010 (updated May 2013)
End of life care
- Dying well at home: the case for integrated working: SCIE guide 48 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- End of life care - NHS England
- End of life care for adults: Quality standard [QS13] - NICE
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
- Treatment and care towards the end of life: good practice in decision making - General Medical Council
Equality and human rights
- Equality Act 2010 guidance
- Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice - Equality and Human Rights Commission
General resources
Mental capacity
- Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice - GOV.UK
- Mental Capacity Act resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Mental health
- Common core principles for mental health and wellbeing in adult social care - Skills for Care
- Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes: Quality Standard 50 - NICE
- New video to support mental wellbeing of older people in care homes quality standard - NICE
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Patient experience in adult NHS services: improving the experience of care for people using adult NHS services - NICE
- Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) tools - NHS
- Quality standard for patient experience in adult NHS services: NICE quality standard 15 - NICE
- Service user experience in adult mental health: improving the experience of care for people using adult NHS mental health services - NICE
- Service user experience in adult mental health: Quality standard 14 - NICE
Personalised care
- Commitment to care of people living with dementia - Royal College of Nursing
- Dementia Quality Standard (QS184) - NICE
- Introduction to personalisation - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Personalisation briefing: Implications for advocacy workers: SCIE at a glance summary 12 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Personalisation implications for all service user groups - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Personalisation for specific groups - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Think Local Act Personal Partnership guidance on personalisation
Restrictive practice/restraint
- SCIE Report 25: Minimising the use of 'restraint' in care homes: challenges, dilemmas and positive approaches - Social Care Institute for Excellence 2009
- Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges - SCIE guide 46 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Staff support and training
- Effective supervision in a variety of settings: SCIE guide 50 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices
- Supporting safer visiting in care homes during infectious illness outbreaks - UK Health Security Agency
Regulation 10: Dignity and respect
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Care, treatment and support
- Compassion in practice nursing, midwifery and care staff: Our vision and strategy - Department of Health/NHS Commissioning Board
- Life Story Network resources
- Living well in care homes - Royal College of Occupational Therapists
- Making the move to delivering reablement: At a glance summary 56 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Maximising the potential of reablement: SCIE guide 49 – Social Care Institute for Excellence
- GP services for older people: a guide for care home managers – SCIE guide 52 – Social Care Institute for Excellence, December 2013
- Preventing loneliness and social isolation among older people: At a glance 60 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- The Caldicott Principles - National Data Guardian
- Caldicott review: information governance in the health and care system (Independent report) - National Data Guardian
- Continence - Royal College of Nursing
- Faecal incontinence: Quality standard 54 - NICE, February 2014
- Lower urinary tract symptoms: The management of lower urinary tract symptoms in men – NICE clinical guideline 97 - NICE, May 2010
- Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women: management NICE guideline [NG 123] - NICE
Data protection
- Guide to Data Protection - Information Commissioner's Office
- Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners - Department for Education
Dignity and respect
- Common core principles for dignity guide - Skills for Care
- Dignity Champions
- Dignity in Care resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Dignity in Care – SCIE guide 15 - Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2010 (updated May 2013)
- Eliminating mixed sex accommodation: Declaration Exercise, Letter to NHS Chief Executives - Department of Health and Social Care
- Eliminating mixed sex accommodation - PL/CNO/2010/3 (letter from Chief Nursing Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, November 2010) - Department of Health
Equality and human rights
- Equality Act 2010 guidance - GOV.UK
- Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice - Equality and Human Rights Commission
End of life care
- Dying well at home: the case for integrated working: SCIE guide 48 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- End of life care - NHS England
- End of life care for adults: Quality standard [QS13] - NICE
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
- Treatment and care towards the end of life: good practice in decision making - General Medical Council
General resources
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
- NHS Constitution for England - Department of Health and Social Care
- Handbook to the NHS Constitution for England (updated February 2021) - Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England
Mental capacity
- Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice - GOV.UK
- Mental Capacity Act resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Mental health
- Common core principles for mental health and wellbeing in adult social care - Skills for Care
- Mental Health Act 1983: Code of Practice - Department of Health
- Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes: Quality Standard 50 - NICE
- New video to support mental wellbeing of older people in care homes quality standard - NICE
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Quality standard for patient experience in adult NHS services: NICE quality standard 15 - NICE
- Service user experience in adult mental health: Quality standard 14 - NICE
Personalised care
- Introduction to personalisation - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Personalisation briefing: Implications for advocacy workers: SCIE at a glance summary 12 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Personalisation implications for all service user groups - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Personalisation for specific groups - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Think Local Act Personal Partnership guidance on personalisation
Restrictive practice/restraint
- SCIE Report 25: Minimising the use of 'restraint' in care homes: challenges, dilemmas and positive approaches - Social Care Institute for Excellence 2009
- Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges - SCIE guide 46 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Regulation 11: Need for consent
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Care, treatment and support
- GP services for older people: a guide for care home managers – SCIE guide 52 – Social Care Institute for Excellence, December 2013
- NICE interventional procedures guidance - NICE
- Decision making and consent - General Medical Council
- Gillick competency and Fraser guidelines - NSPCC Learning
- Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment (second edition) - Department of Health and Social Care
- Using surveillance: information for service providers - CQC
Data protection
- In the picture: A data protection code of practice for surveillance cameras and personal information - Information Commissioner's Office
Deprivation of liberty
End of life care
- Dying well at home: the case for integrated working: SCIE guide 48 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- End of life care - NHS England
- End of life care for adults: Quality standard [QS13] - NICE
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
- Treatment and care towards the end of life: good practice in decision making - General Medical Council
General resources
- NHS Constitution for England - Department of Health and Social Care
- Handbook to the NHS Constitution for England (updated February 2021) - Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England
Mental capacity
- Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice - GOV.UK
- Mental Capacity Act resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) tools - NHS
Personalised care
- Introduction to personalisation - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Restrictive practice/restraint
- SCIE Report 25: Minimising the use of 'restraint' in care homes: challenges, dilemmas and positive approaches - Social Care Institute for Excellence 2009
Regulation 12: Safe care and treatment
Abortion/termination of pregnancy
- Guidance for doctors on compliance with the Abortion Act - Department of Health and Social Care
- Abortion: procedures for approval of independent providers - Department of Health and Social Care
- Women's heath: termination of pregnancy - Royal College of Nursing
- The care of women requesting induced abortion (Evidence-based Clinical Guideline No. 7) - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Buildings/premises and equipment
- Building engineering in the health sector (HTM 00) - Department of Health and Social Care
- Central alerting system - Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
- DH building notes - Department of Health and Social Care
- Domestic gas health and safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Electrical safety and you: a brief guide - Health and Safety Executive
- Electrical safety at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Have the right workplace facilities - Health and Safety Executive
- Health Building Note 00-10 Part D: Windows and associated hardware - Department of Health
- Health technical memoranda collection - Department of Health and Social Care
- Health technical memoranda series including policies and principles of healthcare engineering (HTM 00) - Department of Health
- Gas safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Good practice guidelines on lighting - Stirling Dementia Service Development Centre
- Lighting at work, HSG38 - Health And Safety Executive
- Medical devices regulation and safety: detailed information - GOV.UK
- PAT: Portable appliance testing FAQs - Health And Safety Executive
- Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (HTM 00) - Department of Health, 2014
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)- Health and Safety Executive
- Stirling Dementia Service Development Centre (DSDC)
- The Caldicott Principles - National Data Guardian
- Caldicott review: information governance in the health and care system (Independent report) - National Data Guardian
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Care, treatment and support
- GP services for older people: a guide for care home managers – SCIE guide 52 – Social Care Institute for Excellence, December 2013
- Pressure ulcers: prevention and management - NICE
- Self care: Supporting people to take responsibility for their own health and well being - Skills for Care
Data Protection
- Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners - Department for Education
- Guide to Data Protection - Information Commissioner's Office
- The Information Governance Review: To share or not to share
Deprivation of liberty
Dignity and respect
- Dignity in Care – SCIE guide 15 - Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2010 (updated May 2013)
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
General resources
Health and safety
- Guidance for health and social care services - Health and Safety Executive
- Health and Safety Executive guidance
- Health and safety in care homes - Health and Safety Executive
- Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013 - Health and Safety Executive
- Leading health and safety at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Managing for health and safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Managing for health and safety (HSG65) guidance - Health and Safety Executive
- Managing risks and risk assessment at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Natural rubber latex sensitisation in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
- Selecting latex gloves - Health and Safety Executive
- Sharps injuries - Health and Safety Executive
Infection control/cleanliness
- Care homes: infection prevention and control - Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England
- Health and Social Care Act 2008: code of practice on the prevention and control of infections - Department of Health and Social Care
- The national specifications for cleanliness: Guidance on setting and measuring performance outcomes in care homes - NHS National Patient Safety Agency
- The revised healthcare cleaning manual - National Patient Safety Agency
- Infection control in the built environment (HBN 00-09) - Department of Health and Social Care
- Infection prevention and control Quality standard [QS61] - NICE
- Healthcare-associated infections: prevention and control in primary and community care Clinical guideline [CG139] - NICE
- Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections: Quality improvement guide - NICE
- Essential practice for infection prevention and control - Royal College of Nursing
- Guidance on decontamination of equipment for gastrointestinal endoscopy - British Society of Gastroenterology
- Managing medicines in care homes - NICE
- Medicines management - NICE
- Medicines optimisation: the safe and effective use of medicines to enable the best possible outcomes - NICE
- Professional standards for hospital pharmacy - Royal Pharmaceutical Society
- Protocol for ordering, storing and handling vaccines (March 2014) - Public Health England
Mental capacity
Moving and handling
- Getting to grips with hoisting people - Health And Safety Executive
- How the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER / PUWER) apply to health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
- Moving and handling in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
Quality monitoring/governance
- NHS Patient Safety Strategy - NHS England
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) tools - NHS
- Patient group directions: Medicines practice guideline [MPG2] (Published date: Last updated: 27 March 2017) - NICE
- Security of prescription forms guidance (updated August 2015) - NHS Protect
Personalised care
- Introduction to personalisation - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Restrictive practice/restraint
- SCIE Report 25: Minimising the use of 'restraint' in care homes: challenges, dilemmas and positive approaches - Social Care Institute for Excellence 2009
Risk assessment
- Sensible risk assessment in care settings - Health and Safety Executive
- Bed rail risk management - Sector information minute SIM 07/2012/06 - Health and Safety Executive
- Bed rails: management and safe use (Guidance on managing and using bed rails safely, updated January 2021) - Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- Managing risk from hot water and surfaces in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
- Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges - SCIE guide 46 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Cryptic clue or familiar sign?- MHRA
- Our National Patient Safety Alerts - NHS England
- Alerts, recalls and safety information: drugs and medical devices - MHRA
Slips, trips and falls
- Falls from windows or balconies in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
- Falls in older people: assessing risk and prevention - NICE
- Slips and trips in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
Staffing and recruitment
- Uniforms and workwear: guidance on uniforms and workwear for NHS employers - Department of Health (2010 archived)
Staff support and training
- 2021 Resuscitation Guidelines - Resuscitation Council UK
Waste mangement
- Safe management of healthcare waste - Department of Health and Social Care
Water systems (including legionella)
- Control of legionella in hot and cold water systems in care services/settings using temperature - Health and Safety Executive
- Safe water in healthcare premises (HTM 04-01) - Department of Health and Social Care
- Raising a concern with CQC: A quick guide for health and care staff about whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing: Guidance for providers who are registered with the Care Quality Commission
- Whistleblowing: improving organisational practice - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Raising a concern with NHS England - NHS England
- Raising concerns at work: Whistleblowing guidance for workers and employers in health and social care - The British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
Regulation 13: Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Challenging behaviour
- Ensuring quality services: Core principles for the commissioning of services for children, young people, adults and older people with learning disabilities and/or autism who display or are at risk of displaying behaviour that challenges (NHS England and Local Government Association, 2014)
- Meeting needs and reducing distress: guidance on the prevention and management of clinically related challenging behaviour in NHS settings (NHS Protect, 2013)
- Services for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour or mental health needs Mansell report 2007: revised edition - Department of Health (archived)
- Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings - NICE
Data protection
- Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners - Department for Education
Deprivation of liberty
- Department of Health Guidance: Response to the Supreme Court Judgment/ Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Liberty Protection Safeguards factsheets: Information about Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) - Department of Health and Social Care
Dignity and respect
- Dignity in Care – SCIE guide 15 - Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2010 (updated May 2013)
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
Equality and human rights
- Equality Act 2010 guidance
- Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice - Equality and Human Rights Commission
General resources
Mental capacity
Mental health
- Mental Health Act 1983: Code of Practice - Department of Health
Personalised care
- Introduction to personalisation - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
Restrictive practice/restraint
- Behaviours which challenge - Skills for Care
- Helping health and care services manage difficult patient behaviour - Department for Health and Social Care
Risk assessment
- Bed rail risk management - Sector information minute SIM 07/2012/06 - Health and Safety Executive
- Bed rails: management and safe use (Guidance on managing and using bed rails safely, updated January 2021) - Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- Managing risks and risk assessment at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Sensible risk assessment in care settings - Health and Safety Executive
- Child abuse concerns: guide for practitioners - Department for Education
- Child maltreatment: when to suspect maltreatment in under 18s - NICE
- Clinical governance and adult safeguarding - Department of Health (archived)
- Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges - SCIE guide 46 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Safeguarding adults - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Safeguarding adults: A national framework of standards for good practice and outcomes in adult protection work - Association of Directors of Social Services (ADSS)
- Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competencies - Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
- Raising concerns at work: whistleblowing guidance for workers and employers in health and social care - The British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
- Raising a concern with CQC: a quick guide for health and care staff about whistleblowing
- Raising a concern with NHS England - NHS England
- Whistleblowing: guidance for providers who are registered with the Care Quality Commission
- Whistleblowing: improving organisational practice - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Regulation 14: Meeting nutritional and hydration needs
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Dignity and respect
- Dignity in Care – SCIE guide 15 - Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2010 (updated May 2013)
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
Food safety/hygiene
- Alerts, product withdrawals and recalls - Food Standards Agency
- Business guidance: How to run your food business - Food Standards Agency
- Essence of Care 2010: Benchmarks for food and drink - Department of Health
- General food law - Food Standards Agency
- Guidance on food served to older people in residential care - Food Standards Agency (archived)
- Healthier and more sustainable catering - Public Health England
- Sustainable procurement: the GBS for food and catering services - Official Government Buying Standards (GBS) for food and catering services
- The Food Safety Act 1990 – A guide for food businesses - Food Standards Agency
General resources
Mental capacity
Nutrition and hydration
- 10 Key Characteristics of good nutritional care in hospitals - Council of Europe
- At a Glance 3: Nutritional care and older people - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Diet, nutrition and obesity - NICE
- Establishing food standards for NHS hospitals: Independent report - Department of Health and Social Care
- Malnutrition universal screening tool - BAPEN
- Nutrition and hydration: Professional Resources - Royal College of Nursing
- Nutrition for specific groups (Royal College of Nursing)
- Nutrition support for adults: oral nutrition support, enteral tube feeding and parenteral nutrition - NICE
- Nutrition support in adults: Quality standard 24 - NICE
- Patient-led assessments of the care environment (PLACE) - NHS Digital
- Safer food, better business supplement for residential care homes - Food Standards Agency
- The nutrition and hydration digest: Improving outcomes through food and beverage services - British Dietetic Association
Personalised care
- Introduction to personalisation - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
Regulation 15: Premises and equipment
Buildings/premises and equipment
- Bed rails: management and safe use - Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- Building engineering in the health sector (HTM 00) - Department of Health and Social Care
- Devices in Practice: Checklists for using medical devices - Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- Domestic gas health and safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Electrical safety and you: a brief guide - Health and Safety Executive
- Electrical safety at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Gas safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Good practice guidelines on lighting - Stirling Dementia Service Development Centre
- Have the right workplace facilities - Health and Safety Executive
- Health building notes - Department of Health and Social Care
- Health technical memoranda collection - Department of Health and Social Care
- Health technical memoranda series including policies and principles of healthcare engineering (HTM 00) - Department of Health
- Lighting at work, HSG38 - Health And Safety Executive
- Managing medical devices - Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- Medical devices regulation and safety: detailed information - GOV.UK
- Medical gases pipeline systems - Health technical memorandum 02-01 Part A: Design, installation, validation and verification - Department of Health
- PAT: Portable appliance testing FAQs - Health And Safety Executive
- Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (HTM 00) - Department of Health, 2014
- Pressure systems - Health and Safety Executive
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) - Health and Safety Executive
- Stirling Dementia Service Development Centre (DSDC)
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) - Health and Safety Executive
- The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002: Approved code of practice and guidance - Health and Safety Executive
Data protection
- In the picture: A data protection code of practice for surveillance cameras and personal information - Information Commissioner's Office
Diginty and respect
- Eliminating Mixed Sex Accommodation: Declaration Exercise, Letter to NHS Chief Executives - Department of Health and Social Care
- Eliminating mixed sex accommodation - PL/CNO/2010/3 (letter from Chief Nursing Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, November 2010) - Department of Health
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
Equality and human rights
- Equality Act 2010 guidance
- Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice - Equality and Human Rights Commission
Fire safety
- Fire safety risk assessment: residential care premises - Home Office
- Discover your legal obligations: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 - London Fire Brigade
- Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005: a short guide to making your premises safe from fire - HM Government
General resources
- NHS Constitution for England - Department of Health and Social Care
- Handbook to the NHS Constitution for England (updated February 2021) - Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England
Health and safety
- Guidance for health and social care services - Health and Safety Executive
- Health and Safety Executive guidance
- Health and safety in care homes - Health and Safety Executive
- Leading health and safety at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Managing for health and safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Managing for health and safety (HSG65) guidance - Health and Safety Executive
- Ventilation - Health and Safety Executive
Infection control/cleanliness
- Care homes: infection prevention and control - Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England
- Essential practice for infection prevention and control - Royal College of Nursing
- Guidance on decontamination of equipment for gastrointestinal endoscopy - British Society of Gastroenterology
- Health and Social Care Act 2008: code of practice on the prevention and control of infections - Department of Health and Social Care
- Healthcare-associated infections: prevention and control in primary and community care Clinical guideline [CG139] - NICE
- Infection control in the built environment (HBN 00-09) - Department of Health and Social Care
- Infection prevention and control Quality standard [QS61] - NICE
- PAS 5748:2014 Specification for the planning, application, measurement and review of cleanliness services in hospitals
- Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections: Quality improvement guide - NICE
- The national specifications for cleanliness: Guidance on setting and measuring performance outcomes in care homes - NHS National Patient Safety Agency
- The revised healthcare cleaning manual - National Patient Safety Agency
Mental capacity
Moving and handling
- Getting to grips with hoisting people - Health And Safety Executive
- How the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER / PUWER) apply to health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
- Moving and handling in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
Quality monitoring/governance
- NHS Premises Assurance Model - NHS England
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
Risk assessment
- Bed rail risk management - Sector information minute SIM 07/2012/06 - Health and Safety Executive
- Bed rails: management and safe use (Guidance on managing and using bed rails safely, updated January 2021) - Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- Managing risks and risk assessment at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Sensible risk assessment in care settings - Health and Safety Executive
- Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges - SCIE guide 46 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Staffing and recruitment
- People management resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Regulation 16: Receiving and acting on complaints
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
- Adult social care complaint reviews - Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
- Adult care services: Ombudsman decisions - Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
- Complaining about health and social care - MIND
- Complaints about health and social care - Local Government and Social CareOmbudsman
- Complaints matter
- Concerns about a care service - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Improving complaints - The Patients Association
- Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service
- My expectations for raising concerns and complaints - Local Government Ombudsman, Healthwatch, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, November 2014
- NHS complaints guidance - Department for Health and Social Care
- Principles of good complaint handling - Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Data protection
- Guide to Data Protection - Information Commissioner's Office
Dignity and respect
- Dignity in Care – SCIE guide 15 - Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2010 (updated May 2013)
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
General resources
- NHS Constitution for England - Department of Health and Social Care
- Handbook to the NHS Constitution for England (updated February 2021) - Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England
Quality monitoring/governance
- Accessible Information Standard: Making health and social care information accessible - NHS England
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Patient experience in adult NHS services: improving the experience of care for people using adult NHS services - NICE
- Quality standard for patient experience in adult NHS services: NICE quality standard 15 - NICE
- Service user experience in adult mental health: improving the experience of care for people using adult NHS mental health services - NICE
- Service user experience in adult mental health: Quality standard 14 - NICE
Regulation 17: Good governance
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Buildings/premises and equipment
- Building engineering in the health sector (HTM 00) - Department of Health and Social Care
- DH building notes - Department of Health and Social Care
- Domestic gas health and safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Electrical safety and you: a brief guide - Health and Safety Executive
- Electrical safety at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Gas safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Good practice guidelines on lighting - Stirling Dementia Service Development Centre
- Guidance for health and social care services - Health and Safety Executive
- Have the right workplace facilities - Health and Safety Executive
- Health and safety in care homes - Health and Safety Executive
- Health technical memoranda collection - Department of Health and Social Care
- Health technical memoranda series including policies and principles of healthcare engineering (HTM 00) - Department of Health
- Lighting at work, HSG38 - Health And Safety Executive
- PAT: Portable appliance testing FAQs - Health And Safety Executive
- Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (HTM 00) - Department of Health, 2014
- Stirling Dementia Service Development Centre (DSDC)
Care, treatment and support
- Adult social care outcomes framework 2018/19: handbook of definitions - Department of Health and Social Care
- GP services for older people: a guide for care home managers – SCIE guide 52 – Social Care Institute for Excellence, December 2013
- Adult care services: Ombudsman decisions - Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Conduct, ethics and performance
- Revised Midwives rules and standards come into force - Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Standards for competence for registered nurses Pre-2018 (still valid) - Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Standards for the dental team - General Dental Council
- A guide to confidentiality in health and social care - NHS Digital
- Confidentiality: NHS code of practice - Department of Health and Social Care
Continuing professional development
- Standards of continuing professional development - Health and Care Professions Council
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) - Health and Safety Executive
- The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002: Approved code of practice and guidance - Health and Safety Executive
Data protection
- Guide to Data Protection - Information Commissioner's Office
- In the picture: A data protection code of practice for surveillance cameras and personal information - Information Commissioner's Office
- The Information Governance Review: To share or not to share
Deprivation of liberty
- Liberty Protection Safeguards factsheets: Information about Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) - Department of Health and Social Care
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
Equality and human rights
- A refreshed equality delivery system for the NHS - NHS England, 2013
- EHRC employment statutory code of practice: sections on reasonable adjustments and pre-employment health checks - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Equality Act 2010 guidance
- Guidance about age discrimination - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice - Equality and Human Rights Commission
General resources
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
- NHS Constitution for England - Department of Health and Social Care
- Handbook to the NHS Constitution for England (updated February 2021) - Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England
Health and safety
- Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013 - Health and Safety Executive
- Natural rubber latex sensitisation in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
- Selecting latex gloves - Health and Safety Executive
- Sharps injuries - Health and Safety Executive
Mental capacity
- Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice - GOV.UK
- Mental Capacity Act resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Mental health
- Mental Health Act 1983: Code of Practice - Department of Health
Moving and handling
- Getting to grips with hoisting people - Health And Safety Executive
- How the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER / PUWER) apply to health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
- Moving and handling in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
Quality monitoring/governance
- Accessible Information Standard: Making health and social care information accessible - NHS England
- General Dental Council Governance
- General Medical Council Legislative Framework
- Good medical practice - General Medical Council
- Into practice guide - NICE
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- National NHS staff survey reports
- NHS Patient survey programme
- NHS Patient Safety Strategy - NHS England
- NICE Quality and Outcomes Framework indicator
- Prevention of Future Deaths reports- Courts and Tribunals Judiciary
- Professional Standards Authority
- Records Management Code of Practice 2021 - NHSX
- Revised Never Events policy and framework - NHS England
Records management
- Records Management Code of Practice 2021 - NHSX
- Standards for the clinical structure and content of patient records - Royal College of Physicians
- Healthcare Professional Alert Notices - NHS Resolution
Staff support and training
- Discover the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set - Skills for Care
- Effective supervision in a variety of settings: SCIE guide 50 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- 2021 Resuscitation Guidelines - Resuscitation Council UK
- SCIE resources and services- Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Raising concerns at work: Whistleblowing guidance for workers and employers in health and social care - The British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
Regulation 18: Staffing
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Care certificate - Health Education England
- Care certificate - Skills for Care
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Care, treatment and support
- GP services for older people: a guide for care home managers: SCIE guide 52 – Social Care Institute for Excellence, December 2013
- Making the move to delivering reablement: At a glance summary 56 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Maximising the potential of reablement: SCIE guide 49 – Social Care Institute for Excellence
Conduct, ethics and performance
- Revised Midwives rules and standards come into force - Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Standards - General Pharmaceutical Council
- Standards for competence for registered nurses Pre-2018 (still valid) - Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - Health and Care Professions Council
Continuing professional development
- Continuing professional development - General Medical Council
- CPD for dental professionals - General Dental Council
- Professional development - Royal College of Nursing
- Standards of continuing professional development - Health and Care Professions Council
Disclosure and Barring (DBS)
- Disclosure and Barring Service
- Disclosure and Barring identity checking guidelines
- DBS checks for CQC registration
Equality and human rights
- EHRC employment statutory code of practice: sections on reasonable adjustments and pre-employment health checks - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Guidance about age discrimination - Equality and Human Rights Commission
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
Health and safety
- Consulting employees on health and safety: A brief guide to the law - Health and Safety Executive
- Guidance for health and social care services - Health and Safety Executive
- Health and Safety Executive guidance
- Health and safety in care homes - Health and Safety Executive
- Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013 - Health and Safety Executive
- Leading health and safety at work - Health and Safety Executive
- Managing for health and safety - Health and Safety Executive
- Managing for health and safety (HSG65) guidance - Health and Safety Executive
- Natural rubber latex sensitisation in health and social care - Health and Safety Executive
- Selecting latex gloves - Health and Safety Executive
- Sharps injuries - Health and Safety Executive
- Violence at work: A guide for employers - Health and Safety Executive
General resources
Quality monitoring/governance
- Good medical practice - General Medical Council
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Professional Standards Authority
- Recommendations for CQC providers guide - Skills for Care
Restrictive practice/restraint
- SCIE Report 25: Minimising the use of 'restraint' in care homes: challenges, dilemmas and positive approaches - Social Care Institute for Excellence 2009
Staff support and training
- Discover the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set - Skills for Care
- Effective supervision in a variety of settings: SCIE guide 50 - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Manager induction standards - Skills for Care
- Review of healthcare assistants and support workers in NHS and social care (The Cavendish Review) - Department of Health and Social Care
- Skills for Care
- What are the Management Standards? - Health and Safety Executive
- Work-related stress - Health and Safety Executive
Staffing and recruitment
- COVID-19 and staffing levels -Royal College of Nursing
- How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time - National Quality Board
- People management resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Planning your workforce - Skills for Care
- Revalidation - General Medical Council
- Safe staffing for nursing in adult inpatient wards in acute hospitals - NICE
- Safe staffing guidance and advice list - NICE
Staff support and training
Regulation 19: Fit and proper persons employed
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Care certificate - Health Education England
- Care certificate - Skills for Care
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Conduct, ethics and performance
- Revised Midwives rules and standards come into force - Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Standards for competence for registered nurses Pre-2018 (still valid) - Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Standards for the dental team - General Dental Council
Continuing professional development
- Standards of continuing professional development - Health and Care Professions Council
Disclosure and Barring (DBS)
- Disclosure and Barring Service
- Disclosure and Barring identity checking guidelines
- DBS checks for CQC registration
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
Equality and human rights
- EHRC employment statutory code of practice: sections on reasonable adjustments and pre-employment health checks - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Equality Act 2010 guidance
- Guidance about age discrimination - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice - Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Unfair contract terms guidance: OFT311 - Competition and Markets Authority
- Unfair contract terms: CMA37 - Competition and Markets Authority
Quality monitoring/governance
- General Dental Council Governance
- General Medical Council Legislative Framework
- Good medical practice - General Medical Council
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Professional Standards Authority
- Recommendations for CQC providers guide - Skills for Care
- Healthcare Professional Alert Notices - NHS Resolution
Staffing and recruitment
- People management resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Staff support and training
Regulation 20: Duty of candour
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence resources)
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
Conduct, ethics and performance
- Revised Midwives rules and standards come into force - Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Standards for competence for registered nurses Pre-2018 (still valid) - Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Standards for the dental team - General Dental Council
- Gillick competency and Fraser guidelines - NSPCC Learning
Duty of candour
- Openness and honesty when things go wrong: The professional duty of candour - General Medical Council
- NHS Standard Contract 2014/15: Updated Technical Guidance - NHS England
End of life care
- One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life - Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People
Mental capacity
Quality monitoring/governance
- General Dental Council Governance
- General Medical Council Legislative Framework
- Good medical practice - General Medical Council
- NHS Patient Safety Strategy - NHS England
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
- Professional Standards Authority
- Saying Sorry - NHS Resolution
- Healthcare Professional Alert Notices - NHS Resolution
Regulation 20A: Requirement as to display of performance assessments
Regulation 4: Requirements where the service provider is an individual or partnership
Care Act and Care Certificate
- Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets - Department of Health, June 2014
- Care Act 2014 resources - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Statutory Guidance Care Act 2014: supporting implementation Support for local authorities to carry out the implementation for part 1 of the Care Act 2014 - Department of Health and Social Care
General resources
- NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE at-a-glance summaries - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE guides - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SCIE resources and services - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Social Care TV (requires registration) - Social Care Institute for Excellence
Quality monitoring/governance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library
CQC registration regulations: related guidance
Abortion/termination of pregnancy
- Guidance in relation to requirements of the Abortion Act 1967 - Department of Health, May 2014. This relates to CQC registration regulation 20.
- Procedures for the approval of independent sector places for the termination of pregnancy: Required Standard Operating Procedures (RSOPs) - Department of Health, May 2014. This relates to CQC registration regulation 20.
- Termination of pregnancy: An RCN nursing framework - Royal College of Nursing. This relates to CQC registration regulation 20.
- The care of women seeking induced abortion - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 2011. This relates to CQC registration regulation 20.
Quality monitoring/governance
- What is registration? - this relates to all CQC registration regulations
- Making changes to your registration - this relates to CQC registration regulations 12, 14 and 15
- Notifications for GP providers - this relates to CQC registration regulations 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
- Notifications for NHS trusts - this relates to CQC registration regulations 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
- Notifications for non-NHS providers - this relates to CQC registration regulations14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.