Organisations we regulate
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust was placed in special measures in July 2013.
The 'Partnership in Care' project aims to improve the quality and experience of one-to-one care for vulnerable patients. Successful initiatives trailed on three wards, included:
- communication aids for staff, designed to promote a 'partnership in care' with relatives and carers
- pocket cards for staff listing a set of standards to follow when providing one-to-one care
- a partnership in care leaflet for families and carers that recognises their rights as carers and experts in knowing what the patient's personal preferences might be
- an activity log to help support engagement and stimulation with patients
- the 'Enhanced Care' risk assessment tool, which helps provide a standard and assurance to determine which patients need one-to-one care so they receive the right care at the right time
The immediate benefit to patients has been clear. The project has been rolled out to other wards and the learning is being shared with trusts across the country.
In May 2014, a CQC inspection found that the trust had made enough progress to come out of special measures, and rated the trust as requires improvement. A focused inspection in 2015 led to the overall rating being upgraded to good.