IR(ME)R enforcement notice compliance: United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (August 2021)

Page last updated: 25 May 2022


Lincoln County Hospital

Enforcement type

Improvement Notice

Date notice served

20 July 2021


On and before 09 July 2021, the employer was found in breach of regulations:

  • 6(1)(a) Employers procedures
  • 6(5)(a) Employers procedures
  • 6(5)(b) Employers procedures
  • 7 Clinical audit
  • 8(3) Accidental and unintended exposures
  • 17(4) Training


An Improvement Notice was issued to the employer under Section 21 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 following an announced inspection of the radiotherapy and radiology departments at the hospital on 6-9 July 2021.

This identified the following concerns; the information held in the employers procedure that was not reflective of practice, had incorrect information and reference to out of date regulations, clinical audit was not carried out, there was no thematic review of non-notifiable events as well as poor incident management, training records were incomplete and the process of achieving competency inadequately documented.


The employer was reinspected on 24/08/2021 and deemed to comply with this notice.