E3. How does the service make sure that staff have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care, support and treatment?
E3.1 Do people have their assessed needs, preferences and choices met by staff with the right skills and knowledge?
E3.2 How are the learning needs of all staff identified? Do staff have appropriate training to meet their learning needs that covers the scope of their work, and is there protected time for this training?
E3.3 Are staff encouraged and given opportunities to develop?
E3.4 What are the arrangements for supporting and managing staff to deliver effective care and treatment? (This includes one-to-one meetings, appraisals, coaching and mentoring, clinical supervision and revalidation.)
E3.5 How is poor or variable staff performance identified and managed? How are staff supported to improve?
E3.6 Are volunteers recruited where required, and are they trained and supported for the role they undertake?