W6. Is appropriate and accurate information being effectively processed, challenged and acted on?
W6.1 Is there a holistic understanding of performance, which sufficiently covers and integrates people's views with information on quality, operations and finances? Is information used to measure for improvement, not just assurance?
W6.2 Do quality and sustainability both receive sufficient coverage in relevant meetings at all levels? Do all staff have sufficient access to information, and do they challenge it appropriately?
W6.3 Are there clear and robust service performance measures, which are reported and monitored?
W6.4 Are there effective arrangements to ensure that the information used to monitor, manage and report on quality and performance is accurate, valid, reliable, timely and relevant? What action is taken when issues are identified?
W6.5 Are information technology systems used effectively to monitor and improve the quality of care?
W6.6 Are there effective arrangements to ensure that data or notifications are submitted to external bodies as required?
W6.7 Are there robust arrangements (including appropriate internal and external validation) to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of identifiable data, records and data management systems, in line with data security standards? Are lessons learned when there are data security breaches?