Services within our fees categories

Page last updated: 10 June 2024

The annual regulatory fee you must pay as a registered provider is determined by the services you provide.

See provider fees payable for our current fees.

These are the services included in some of the fees categories

Independent healthcare: single specialty services

Provider fees payable: independent healthcare, single specialty services

This fees category includes non-NHS trust providers of services where the main or only service provided is:

  • treatment carried out under general anaesthesia or intravenously administered sedation
  • obstetric services and medical services in connection with childbirth
  • termination of pregnancies
  • cosmetic surgery
  • haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis
  • refractive eye surgery
  • surgical procedures associated with in vitro fertilisation or assisted conception
  • activities where the service type Acute Services (ACS) applies, but which do not involve the provision of overnight beds for patients
  • hyperbaric therapy, carried out by or under the supervision of or direction of a medical practitioner.

Independent healthcare: community healthcare services

Provider fees payable: independent healthcare, community healthcare services

This fees category includes non-NHS trust providers of:

  • private doctors/clinics/slimming clinics/online services
  • independent ambulance services
  • diagnostic services
  • laboratories
  • prison healthcare services
  • rehabilitation services
  • hospices
  • hospice at home
  • community health visiting
  • district nursing
  • school nursing
  • mental health/learning disability community services
  • community substance misuse services.
  • substance misuse treatment services providing accommodation
  • NHS blood and transplant
  • NHS 111 services

Independent healthcare: hospital services

Provider fees payable: independent healthcare, community healthcare services

This fees category includes those who carry on healthcare activities under specific service types set out in service types

  • Acute services (ACS)
  • Mental health hospitals (MLS)
  • Learning disability hospitals (MLS)
  • Inpatient substance misuse services (MLS)
  • Long term conditions services (LTC):
    • LTC includes providers of specialist neurological rehabilitation services, which are medically-led, in a hospital-type setting. Patients may receive neurological-rehabilitation treatment for many years in these settings, but it is not classed as their place of residence, such as would be the case in a residential care home or a care home with nursing. (Only a very small number of providers are classed within this service type.)
    • LTC does not include
      • residential or nursing care homes, where the accommodation is classed as the person’s home
      • providers of treatment for long term medical conditions, such as heart failure, asthma, diabetes, and other conditions which are treated across a range of primary, community and hospital settings and which are commonly referred to as long term conditions.

All these types of hospital services provide beds for the overnight accommodation of patients

GPs: Practices with branch surgeries

Provider fees payable: NHS primary medical services

Scenario 1:

A main practice has one or more branch surgeries, and the patients seen in those branch surgeries are on the same registered patient list as at the main practice.

You only need to register the main practice as the single location, as the branch surgeries will be included under the main practice location.

Most practices fall into this scenario: the same registered patient list applies to the main practice location as well as the branch surgeries.

Scenario 2:

A branch surgery has a different patient list to the main practice.

Then that branch surgery is considered a location in its own right.

Branch surgeries incorrectly registered as locations will have a significant impact on the fees that are payable. If you think your branch surgeries have been incorrectly classed as locations in their own right, go to Provider application: Remove a location.

Additional NHS primary medical services

Additional services are any services contracted for by Clinical Commissioning Groups that are not part of the core services provided under PMS and GMS contracts.

They include out of hospital services provided in primary care (services that would otherwise be provided in outpatient clinics in hospitals) and extended hours.

If your organisation is only contracted to provide additional services, see provider fees payable: community healthcare.

If your organisation provides core GP services under a PMS or GMS contract, as well as additional services, see provider fees payable: GP practice with registered patient list.