Suitable staff and staff cover

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

S3. How does the service make sure that there are sufficient numbers of suitable staff to support people to stay safe and meet their needs?

S3.1 What arrangements are there, including within the rotas, for making sure that staff have the right mix of skills, competencies, qualifications, experience and knowledge, to meet people’s individual needs?

S3.2 How is safety promoted in recruitment practices, arrangements to support staff, training arrangements, disciplinary procedures, and ongoing checks?

S3.3 Do staff receive effective training in safety systems, processes and practices?

Related links

Ratings characteristics

green star Outstanding

green dot Good

yellow dot Requires improvement

red dot Inadequate

Related regulations

Safe care and treatment


Fit and proper persons employed

Good governance

These links provide extra information. They don't imply a direct correlation between key lines of enquiry and regulations or notifications.