Concerns and complaints

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

R2. How are people's concerns and complaints listened and responded to and used to improve the quality of care?

R2.1 How well do people who use the service know how to make a complaint or raise concerns and how comfortable do they feel doing so in their own way? How well are people encouraged to do so, and how confident are they to speak up?

R2.2 How easy and accessible is it for people to use the complaints process or raise a concern? To what extent are people treated compassionately and given the help and support they need to make a complaint?

R2.3 How effectively are complaints handled, including ensuring openness and transparency, confidentiality, regular updates for the complainant, a timely response and explanation of the outcome, and a formal record?

R2.4 How are people who raise concerns or complaints protected from discrimination, harassment or disadvantage?

R2.5 To what extent are concerns and complaints used as an opportunity to learn and drive continuous improvement?

Related links

Rating characteristics

green star Outstanding

green dot Good

yellow dot Requires improvement

red dot Inadequate

Related regulations

Receiving and acting on complaints

Safe care and treatment

Good governance

Duty of candour

These links provide extra information. They don't imply a direct correlation between key lines of enquiry and regulations or notifications.