Governance, management and sustainability

Quality statement

We have clear responsibilities, roles, systems of accountability and good governance. We use these to manage and deliver good quality, sustainable care, treatment and support. We act on the best information about risk, performance and outcomes, and we share this securely with others when appropriate.

What this quality statement means

  • There are clear and effective governance, management and accountability arrangements. Staff understand their role and responsibilities. Managers can account for the actions, behaviours and performance of staff.
  • The systems to manage current and future performance and risks to the quality of the service take a proportionate approach to managing risk that allows new and innovative ideas to be tested within the service.
  • Data or notifications are consistently submitted to external organisations as required.
  • There are robust arrangements for the availability, integrity and confidentiality of data, records and data management systems. Information is used effectively to monitor and improve the quality of care.
  • Leaders implement relevant or mandatory quality frameworks, recognised standards, best practices or equivalents to improve equity in experience and outcomes for people using services and tackle known inequalities.

Subtopics this quality statement covers

  • Roles, responsibilities and accountability
  • Governance, quality assurance and management
  • Cyber security and data security and protection toolkit (DSPT)
  • Emergency preparedness, including climate events
  • Sustainability, including financial and workforce
  • Data security/data protection
  • Statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Workforce planning
  • External recommendations, for example safety alerts
  • Records/digital records

Local authority assessments

We consider this quality statement, governance, management and sustainability, under theme 4: leadership.