Care Quality Commission Board meeting: 24 March 2021

Date: 24 March 2021
Teams meeting

Due to technical difficulties, we were unable to livestream this meeting.

A recording is available, but the first 5 minutes are missing.

The missing portion included:

  • the Chair’s introduction
  • standing items
  • the Chief Executive’s introduction to the executive team's update

The Chief Executive summarised the update on 'Organisational priorities' included in the executive team's update. You can download the executive team's update below.


1. Apologies and declarations of interest

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

Item 2: Minutes of the previous meeting

3. Matters arising and action log

No outstanding actions

4. Executive team's report

Item 4: Executive team update

Item 4: Performance report

5. COVID-19 Insight

COVID Insight: The impact of the pandemic on urgent and emergency services

Provider collaboration review: Urgent and emergency care

6. National Guardian's Office annual report

Item 6: National Guardian's Office - cover paper

Item 6: National Guardian's Office - annual report

7. Healthwatch England quarterly report

Item 7: Healthwatch England report

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