2 Redman Place London E20 1JQ
Watch the public board meeting
1. Apologies and declarations of interest
2. Minutes of the previous meeting
Item 2: Minutes of the previous meeting
3. Matters arising and action log
4. Executive team's report
Item 4: Appendix A to executive team report (update on adult social care workforce)
5. Quarterly performance and finance report
Item 5: Corporate Performance Report (2021/22 – Q2)
Item 5: Performance Report 2021/22 – Q3
6. Quarterly change report
Item 6: Quarterly change and people update
7. Research into A&E admissions at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Trust and the implications for CQC system thinking
8. People survey
Item 8: People survey (cover paper)
9. Welcome to the new National Director of Healthwatch England
10. Audit and corporate governance committee summary of 28 January meeting
Item 10: Audit and Corporate Governance Committee (ACGC): Report to the Board