Care Quality Commission Board meeting: 20 March 2019

Date: 20 March 2019
151 Buckingham Palace Road
Post code


Wednesday, 20 March 2019 (11.15am)

1. Apologies and declarations of interest

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

Item 2: Minutes of the previous meeting

3. Matters arising and action log

Item 3: Public action log

4. Executive team report and exiting the EU preparedness

Item 4: Executive Team report

Item 4: Executive Team report - appendix

5. Change update:

Item 5: Change update

6. Sign off 2019/20 business plan and budget

Item 6: Business plan 2019/20 - cover paper

Item 6: Business plan 2019/20

7. Equality objectives

Item 7: Equality objectives - cover paper

Item 7: Equality objectives - appendix

9. Healthwatch England update

Item 9: Healthwatch England update

10. Any other business