Date: 16 September 2020 Venue Teams meeting Categories Public Agenda Wednesday, 16 September 2020 (11am) 1. Apologies and declarations of interest 2. Minutes of the previous meeting Item 2: Minutes of the previous meeting 3. Matters arising and action log Item 3: Public action log 4. Executive team's report Item 4: Executive team update 5. Performance quarterly report Item 5: Corporate performance report - cover paper Item 5: Corporate performance report 6. Change portfolio quarterly update Item 6: Change and people update 7. Coronavirus (COVID-19) insight report Item 7: Coronavirus (COVID-19) insight report - cover paper 8. Provider collaboration reviews update Item 8: Provider collaboration reviews update 9. Transitional regulatory approach Item 9: Transitional regulatory approach 10. Healthwatch England update Item 10: Healthwatch England report 11. CQC’s response to the independent medicines and medical devices safety review Item 11: Response to the independent medicines and medical devices safety review Item 11: Independent medicines and medical devices safety review recommendations 12. Regulatory governance committee Any other business