Share for Better Care: your feedback helps improve health and care services

Page last updated: 25 June 2024

Your feedback is important to us and helps health and social care services to improve. We're here to listen and review what you tell us, no matter if it's good or bad, big or small.

Our latest campaign is being led by the CQC and Healthwatch England. It's supported by other partners including the Race Equality Foundation, National Dignity Council, Royal Association for Deaf people, National Voices, the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, the Patients Association, VoiceAbility and Disability Rights UK.

Preview image for the video "Share for Better Care: Share experience".

Why we're running this campaign

Our campaign aims to support the voice of people using care services.

Feedback is valuable to us and helps us identify where and how services can improve. Unfortunately, not everyone's voice is being heard.

We want people whose voices are seldom heard to share care experiences with us. This includes people who are more likely to experience poorer care and inequalities.

Our campaign will focus on collecting experiences from people from seldom-heard communities, including:

  • minority ethnic communities
  • lower-income communities
  • autistic people and people with a learning disability
  • disabled people with physical or sensory impairments.
Preview image for the video "Share for Better Care: Why we are running campaign".

Why giving feedback matters

Everyone can play a part in improving care by giving feedback to services. 

We use your feedback to help health and care services make improvements. Whether it's good or bad, big or small, we are here to listen and review what you tell us about your experiences. 

Feedback can play an important part in helping health and care leaders identify safety issues. It can also allow us to share good practice and help boost staff morale.

Preview image for the video "Share for Better Care: Why giving feedback matter".

What we use feedback for

Hearing about your experiences of health and social care helps us to make a real difference. By sharing your feedback, you can help us improve services for everyone. 

Remember, whether your experience is good or bad, it’s valuable to us.  

We use it to keep track of the quality of care that services provide.  

You do not have to give us your name or contact details. But it’s especially helpful if we can contact you to get more information about what you’ve told us. 

Preview image for the video "Share for Better Care: What we use feedback for".

Share feedback about a care experience

Campaign toolkit

If you're an organisation or charity that can help us promote the benefit of giving feedback on care experiences, we've put together a campaign toolkit full of materials you can use.

Use our toolkit

Preview image for the video "Share for Better Care: Campaign toolkit".

Join the conversation

Join the conversation on X using the #ShareForBetterCare hashtag.

Preview image for the video "Share for Better Care: Join the conversation".