CQC rates Plymouth home care service outstanding

Published: 26 July 2023 Page last updated: 26 July 2023

J&C Healthcare - Main Office a home care service in Plymouth, has been rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), following an inspection undertaken in May.

J&C Healthcare - Main Office is a domiciliary care agency, run by J&C Healthcare Ltd which provides support and personal care to people living in their own home.

As well as being rated outstanding overall, it was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led. It was rated good for being safe, effective and responsive.

Cath Campbell, CQC deputy director of operations in the south of England, said:

“The care provided to people at J&C Healthcare was outstanding. We found a culture which was extremely person centred and inclusive.

“People were involved in decisions about their care and support needs, with staff who asked for their consent before supporting them. One person telling us carers always asked their permission prior to helping them. One person said, “The carers are always asking me if it’s ok to do something.”

“People also told us they were able to build positive and caring relationships with the staff who supported them.

“One relative told inspectors her mum’s regular carers were chatting with her about food. The mum said she hadn’t had real fish and chips for years and the carer offered to bring her some the next time they went for themselves.

“We found this to be a well-run and supportive service that focused on people’s needs. Other services should look to learn from this, as an example of the high standards of care people should expect.”

Inspectors found:

  • The registered manager and staff team were able to anticipate and identify concerns quickly
  • People were placed at the centre of the service and were given exceptional person-centred support which was both flexible and responsive to people's individual needs. This included considering people’s protected characteristics as part of the Equalities Act, which includes age, religion, and sexuality
  • Staff confirmed there was an open learning culture in the service when things went wrong. They confirmed they felt confident to report any concerns to the management team and incidents would be addressed in a timely way and used as an opportunity to learn
  • People’s individual communication needs were identified at the point of assessment
  • The provider and staff often went above and beyond the normal remit of their role. This included staff and the management team sorting tasks in their own time such as, buying cards or gifts on behalf of people so they could give their family members birthday or thank you presents
  • The provider and manager liaised with other organisations, explored best practice.

Contact information

For enquiries about this press release, email regional.comms@cqc.org.uk.

About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.