The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Loveday Kensington as outstanding following its first inspection in April.
Loveday Kensington is a residential care home providing nursing and personal care for up to 40 people, including older people, people with physical health conditions and those living with dementia. They also supported people who stayed for short periods of respite care.
As well as Loveday Kensington's overall rating of outstanding, its ratings for how well-led, caring, responsive and effective are also outstanding, and good for how safe.
Turon Karim, CQC deputy director of operations in London, said:
“People we spoke to were overwhelmingly positive about the exceptional levels of care and support they got from staff and managers. It was lovely to see such an excellent variety of activities, events and trips out that were organised by the home ensuring people led meaningful, interesting lives, something that others may take for granted.
“Loveday Kensington ensured people’s health and wellbeing were a priority, with one person saying they’d had a personal trainer and physio to get them walking again and were now attending regular exercise classes. Another relative told us how their family member had gone into the home unable to do things for themselves, but was now able to drink on their own, cut up food and their mobility was getting better.
“People using the service and their relatives were positive about food choices available. We saw people had the option to choose what they wanted and had a good range of healthy and nutritious choices. It was also really encouraging to see Loveday support people’s relatives to join them, putting a real emphasis on the importance on mealtimes.”
Inspectors also found:
- People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests
- There were systems in place to ensure risks to people's health were assessed before moving in and through regular monitoring if any changes were observed in their support needs
- Staff completed a robust induction and training programme when they started and, along with mandatory training, had access to specialist training modules related to people's specific conditions
- Staff had an excellent understanding of when people needed emotional support and were able to provide this in a compassionate and sensitive manner that displayed true empathy
- Loveday had a commitment to investment and innovation across the service to ensure high standards of care and support for staff.