The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by Marysville Medical Practice, Shropshire to be Outstanding following an inspection carried out in June.
Inspectors found patients were treated with compassion, dignity and respect and they were involved in their care and decisions about their treatment.
A full report of the inspection has been published today.
Under CQC’s new programme of inspections, all England’s GP practices are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.
The report on Marysville Medical Practice highlights a number of areas of outstanding practice, including:
- The practice had developed and led on a project known as the Care Homes Advanced Scheme (CHAS) for care homes in the locality of Shrewsbury and Atcham, Shropshire. The aim of the project was to increase clinical input into care homes. The project was evaluated and recognised by the local CCG as an important initiative in preventing unplanned hospital admissions and providing more continuity to patients’ in care homes. All GP practices had agreed to provide a service to a small number of care homes. Before this, patients living in care homes received care and treatment from as many as 14 practices.
- The practice had developed easy read leaflets which were given to patients with a learning disability to help them understand the care and treatment they received.
- The practice was committed to providing access to as many services as possible at the premises. Physiotherapy, counselling and chiropody services were provided for its registered population. Access to additional services included the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, regional hearing service, pain management service. Vasectomy surgery and dermatology surgery were provided for patients registered at the practice and those from other practices. This allowed patients to access local care at the practice rather than a hospital setting.
Janet Williamson, Deputy Chief Inspector of General Practice and Dentistry in CQC’s Central region said:
“The practice had a clear vision which had quality and safety as its top priority. A business plan was in place, which was monitored, regularly reviewed and discussed with all staff. High standards were promoted and owned by all the practice staff and there was evidence of good team working across all staff roles.
“Patient comments said that the service was excellent, they were treated with respect and dignity, GPs and staff were first class and they were dealt with professionally and efficiently at all times.
“All of this hard work pays off in making a real difference to patients – which is why we have found this practice to be Outstanding.”
For further information, please contact Jade Quittenton, Regional Engagement Officer on 0191 2333649
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Find out more
Read our reports about Marysville Medical Practice.
Patient comments said that the service was excellent, they were treated with respect and dignity, GPs and staff were first class and they were dealt with professionally and efficiently at all times.
Janet Williamson, Deputy Chief Inspector of General Practice and Dentistry, Central region