Glynn Court Residential Home, Hampshire

Page last updated: 12 May 2022

Teamwork and new practices helped ensure standards at Glynn Court Residential Home in Hampshire improved after it was rated Inadequate.


The home, in Fryern Court Road, Fordingbridge, received its Inadequate rating following a CQC inspection in October 2014 when inspectors found a number of improvements were needed.

At that time there were concerns about how the provider and registered manager identified, assessed and managed risks to the safety of people and the quality of its service.

Inspectors were concerned that there was a lack of robust quality assurance systems in place at the service and there were issues with the home’s management of medicines. All of this meant CQC could not be assured people were being protected from the risks of avoidable harm.

As a result CQC took action to remove the then registered manager from the home’s registration. Previous inspections had also highlighted concerns and the required improvements had not been made.

When CQC re-inspected

Inspectors returned to the home in August 2015 and found significant improvements had taken place.

Tracey Cockburn, CQC’s Inspection Manager for Adult Social Care in Hampshire, said: "When we returned to Glynn Court Residential Home we found the staff and owner had worked incredibly hard to turn this service around, with positive results.”

Following the inspection in October 2014, CQC met with the provider, Glynn Court Limited, who submitted an action plan setting out how they would implement changes. They also gave regular progress updates to CQC and appointed a new manager who is seen to have helped turn around a number of the practices and culture of the home.

Tracey added: “We were particularly impressed with the home’s work to drive through improvement and the commitment of the owner and staff to make sure this continued.

“We witnessed many individual acts of compassion and kindness towards residents and, following our inspection last August, the home received a Good rating. The quality of life for people in the home has significantly improved with risks being properly assessed and managed and staff are fully involved in supporting people as a team.

“The manager and staff deserve the credit for how the home has improved."

Karen Davison, manager Glynn Court Residential Home, realised the significance of the home’s situation immediately when she took on the manager’s role and began talking to staff; encouraging an open and honest dialogue with them.

Karen said: “We have worked very hard to turn things around in a short space of time. The care has always been good but paperwork had fallen behind.

“When I started working at the home I explained to the team that evidence is key. If it wasn’t written down, it never happened. With every change we made, we explained the reasoning for doing it and what the processes were.”

She spoke to staff about training opportunities and how service forms could be made simpler to complete. The provider also had an active role in the improvements and met regularly with Karen and her deputy to oversee the changes.

Karen added that staff had been receptive to change and enjoyed coming up with new ideas to help with the home’s continuous improvement: “I reminded staff that the home isn’t our work place but the residents’ home and we started to provide a variety of activities to help stimulate people living here; this included music and movement, and themed days” Karen said.

“Glynn Court has a homely feel as soon as you walk through the door. We have happy staff, which results in residents being happy too.”

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