The Human Tissue Authority (HTA), the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) and CQC have agreed on the ways that we will work together to ensure the safety of people who use services.
Who are the HTA and HFEA?
The HTA licenses and inspects organisations that remove, store and use tissue for medical treatment, post-mortem examination and teaching.
The HFEA oversees the use of human reproductive cells and embryos in fertility treatment and research. It also licenses fertility clinics and centres that carry out in vitro fertilisation (also known as IVF) and other assisted conception procedures and research into the human embryo.
How will we work with them?
Our work has been laid out in two joint working agreements called a memorandum of understanding (MoU).
Each MoU ensures that all bodies will:
- share information about services that fall under the remit of all three bodies.
- respect each organisation’s independence.
- continue to explore ways to develop more effective and efficient ways to work together to promote quality and safety.
David Behan, our Chief Executive, said: “It is important for CQC, HTA and HFEA to work well together. These agreements make sure we share information that needs to be shared, avoid duplication and confirm our rights to make independent decisions about those we regulate.”
Read the joint working agreements
MoU between CQC and Human Tissue Authority
Please note: We are currently reviewing our MoU with the HFEA. We will update this document once this work is complete.